Why it’s so important to visit the dentist regularly

Skipping out on dental appointments should not be taken lightly. Something as simple as a dental check-up at the dentist St John’s Wood plays a critical role in helping maintain dental health and function. What is more, is that seeing the dentist St John’s Wood on a regular basis is also important to support a strong, healthy physical body.


At Aura Dental, we believe that providing good quality dental care and a pleasant and satisfactory patient experience is the only way to keep a longstanding relationship with our patients.

It is important that patients understand why we encourage regular dental visits to check on oral health so in today’s post, we take a look at some of the vital ways our dentist St John’s Wood can help you enjoy not only good dental health, but a healthier body and happier state of mind.

The risks of not visiting the dentist

You may be brushing your teeth twice a day but this is not enough to ensure you enjoy lifelong good dental health. All dental experts highly recommend this oral hygiene obligation but there are limitations to the reach of toothbrush bristles.

Bacteria and germs accumulate not only on the surface area of teeth, but also in the spaces between teeth that are notoriously difficult to reach. In the awkward spaces in the mouth where bacteria love to hide and can’t be reached with toothbrush bristles or thread, bacteria begin to accumulate and lead to stubborn deposits on teeth that cause cavities and threaten the longevity of teeth.

The only way to banish these enamel-destroying deposits is through professional dental intervention. A qualified dentist has the knowledge, skills and importantly, the right equipment to remove stubborn deposits of plaque and tartar.

Not having your teeth and gums examined by our dentist mean that minor problems go unchecked to become major problems down the line. Inevitably, this means longer duration treatment plans that carry heavier price tags.

One of the most common dreaded dental diseases that is a result of dental neglect is gum disease. Gum disease is a huge concern, not only because it threatens the health and stability of teeth, but also because of its effect on general health. The dangers for physical health lay in the harmful pathogens that cause gum disease.

Researchers have linked these disease-causing bacteria to life-threatening illnesses such as heart disease and strokes. They can also cause inflammatory conditions in the respiratory system that puts lung health at risk.

Regular visits to the dentist allow our dental practitioner the opportunity to examine teeth and gums to rule out signs of a developing problem. These check-ups should be prioritised and not relegated to the bottom of the to-do list as they guarantee you keep the look of a bright and beautiful smile as well as a stronger and healthier body and mind.

Fresh breath, cleaner and healthier teeth and gums, an attractive smile, healthy confidence levels, psychosocial health to be envied are all the spin-offs of regular visits to our dentist. Looking for a dentist to build a long-term trusted relationship with? Get in touch with us now at Aura Dental.