What do you need to know about dental implants?

When you are considering dental implants in North West London with Aura Dental, we offer you the opportunity to get all the details you need before starting your journey. The route to dental implants is highly personal and everyone has different needs. We pride ourselves on developing individual strategies for each patient based on your dental circumstances, needs and lifestyle.


People get dental implants to replace missing teeth or to support dentures. Both of these options give patients a strong, functional set of teeth. Many report that they feel like their natural teeth have been restored. Certainly, we see improved abilities in terms of biting, chewing, smiling and speaking. This not only gives the user confidence but also allows then normal freedom of choice about using their teeth again.


When you have dental implants in North West London, you will be having the roots of your teeth replaced by small screws. The screw shape helps the implant to make a connection with the surrounding bone in your jaw. As your body heals around your new fixtures, this bond becomes very secure as the bone wraps itself around the dental implant. Your new teeth are later placed on top. You can have more than one tooth per implant if you are fitted with dentures or a bridge.


After an initial consultation with your dentist, you may be able to start the process straight away, if you have the required conditions in your mouth.

For some patients, a form of extraction is the first step. This might just be the remains of old teeth or it might include some of your other teeth if they are deteriorating rapidly. If you have any strong, healthy teeth remaining then these can stay where they are. After extraction, your dentist might insert equipment designed to keep the shape of your gums intact while they heal. This is useful when it comes to having your implants fitted and allows you to retain a natural look around the gums.

There are other potential preparations that might be needed before your surgery can go ahead. Having dental implants in North West London can take many different paths, so your dentist will talk to you about which steps are right for you.