What are the signs you may need dental implants in St John’s Wood?

When it comes to repairing the damage inflicted on your teeth by your diet, injury, overzealous or poorly maintained oral health routine, our team may recommend you try implants to give your smile a makeover.


Sadly some patients still miss out on this confidence boosting and smile strengthening procedure, so that is why we’ve come up with a short list of a few reasons you may be better off with dental implants in St John’s Wood.

 What are they?

Here is a little background information on this unique treatment.

Implants are basically porcelain or ceramic teeth that are inserted beneath your gum line and into your jawbone using an artificial tooth root. They are held in place with a small, solid titanium screw that is sterilised beforehand, in order to limit the spread of any bacteria whilst you are healing after the treatment.

Over time the bone in the implantation site should start to heal back over the screw, to provide a stable and sturdy platform for the new tooth to rest on and stop it from becoming loose or dislodged.

Cracked, broken or damaged teeth

One of the most common situations within which our dental implants in St John’s Wood are used is when there are cracked or badly damaged teeth. This type of damage can happen for a number of reasons, but it tends to happen more often in those with a lot of sports related hobbies or physical activities, as they are more prone to accidental damage or injury.

At Aura Dental our team will provide a quick and long lasting repair for any damaged or cracked teeth with an implant that has been professionally shaped and shaded, to provide you with a natural looking replacement.

Gap filled smile

Having a gap in your smile can take quite a toll on your self-confidence and make you a little less eager to smile in photographs, so filling out those spaces with an implant would be our recommendation.

Weakening of the surrounding teeth

Having damaged or missing teeth can, over time, start to negatively impact the surrounding teeth. This is because when we bite our jaws exert a certain amount of force that is normally spread evenly throughout our mouth. However when there are gaps or spaces caused by damage that pressure can start to build and build, to the point where the surrounding teeth can start to crack, flatten or wear down from all this weight.

To counter this our dentists would insert an implant into your gum line to essentially even out your smile and lessen the pressure being placed on your existing teeth. It can also help to prevent your remaining teeth from becoming loose, as it pins them in just like the previous occupant of their new home used to.

These are just a few reasons that might indicate you should stop by the practice for an appointment for implants. If you would like to learn more about how this treatment can help restore your smile or to schedule your own fitting, then just get in touch with our team at the practice.