Want to learn more about Invisalign? Your top 5 FAQs answered by our team at Aura Dental

Want straighter teeth as an adult, but don’t want the hassle of metal braces?


In the last 10 years, orthodontists have designed an array of new appliances to help adult patients get straighter teeth, without the undertaking of a traditional metal brace, via clear and invisible aligners.

At Aura Dental, we have helped hundreds of our adult patients get the straighter teeth they want using Invisalign in St John’s Wood. An innovation of design and functionality, this aligner provides you with a discreet way to straighten your teeth, without the need for metal brackets.

Curious to learn more about Invisalign in St John’s Wood? Read on for answers to 5 popular invisible brace related FAQs.

How do they work without attachments?

Invisalign in St Johns Wood works due to its custom-fitted design.

When you come to us to begin using this aligner, we will take a 3D scan of your teeth to begin making the aligners. Using digital technology, we will plot the required movements that the aligners will need to make to straighten your teeth.

When you wear your first aligner (and every one in the sequence thereafter), you will notice that they feel tight; this is what helps them to move your teeth into their new positions. When the aligner feels loose, (usually 14 days later) move on to the next one!

Can they treat an underbite?

They can, but remember, this aligner cannot be used to treat severe or complex cases. So, if you have a more complicated underbite, then our team may recommend you undertake treatment with a clear aligner or even with metal braces.

Are they uncomfortable?

Sadly, there is no such thing as completely comfortable orthodontics.

While this aligner is more bearable for many patients, many report feeling pressure on their teeth when they change between aligners; this is normal and is part of the orthodontic process.

But if you have worn metal braces in the past, you may be in for a pleasant surprise relating to how agreeable these aligners are in daily life.

How long do most people wear them?

The average treatment time for wearing an invisible aligner is between 3-6 months.

But you must remember that the length of time you wear these aligners will depend on how severe the misalignment is and if you stick to the regime set down by our team. We know it can be tempting to leave any removable orthodontic treatment out, but to see the desired effects in the set time frame, please keep them in for a minimum of 22 hours per day.

Aren’t they expensive?

It is a concern for many patients that this aligner is going to be outside of their price range.

However, our team at Aura Dental is aware that most people will need a bit of help spreading the cost of orthodontics as adults, and so, we are able to offer our suitable patients’ financing options.

Talk to our team today to see if you are applicable.