Visiting your dentist St John’s Wood for good oral health and a beautiful smile

Maintaining a good dental hygiene routine at home is very important. Using an effective fluoride toothpaste twice a day and making sure you floss your teeth after meals and rinse your mouth with a good mouthwash will help you maintain good oral health and prevent dental complications in the future, later on in life when your teeth may become more prone to damage. At the same time it is important that you visit your dentist St John’s Wood on a regular basis to make sure that your dental hygiene routine is sufficient and that there is no excess plaque and tartar build-up around your teeth and gums which may cause other dental issues in the future. We are a family friendly dentist here at Aura dental and we want to instill the importance of visiting the dentist St Johns Wood into our young patients from an early age to help promote better oral health for life.


Regular check-ups and mouth cancer screening

For your convenience we are open 6 days a week here at Aura Dental and we recommend that you visit us for routine appointments at least once every 6 months and more often if you are prone to dental issues and problems with your teeth. Your dentist St Johns Wood will carry out a thorough examination of your teeth and gums and check for any signs or symptoms of disease. If necessary you will undergo X-rays for further examination and a treatment plan will be set up for you according to your dental needs. If the dentist is happy that your teeth are clean and healthy then you will be recommended to revisit in another six months. We also recommend that you visit the hygienist for a scale and polish on a regular basis to make sure that your teeth are cleaned professionally and that your gums are free of disease. A significant percentage of the adult population here in the UK suffer from a certain degree of gum disease. Gingivitis is the most common form of gum disease and without treatment can progress to periodontal disease which affects the surrounding structures of the teeth and can eventually result in tooth loss. Your hygienist is trained to look out for symptoms of gum disease therefore it is important that you visit your dentist and hygienist in combination on a regular basis to prevent such issues.

Here at Aura Dental we carry out oral cancer screening which is a simple procedure at your dentist St Johns Wood and consists of a thorough examination of your mouth alongside a detailed analysis of your oral health history to assess any risk factors. Oral cancer kills approximately 2700 people in the UK every year, so we recommend that you carry out an oral cancer screen once every 12 months.

Speak to your dentist St John’s Wood today to book your appointment. Speak to our friendly and professional team here at Aura Dental today and find out about the different treatment options that we have available for you and let us help you smile happily and confidently for the rest of your life.