Unsure if your wisdom teeth need removing? A guide from our dentist at Aura Dental

When your adult teeth come in at about the age of 7-11, it can be a time for relief; no more teething issues, or uncomfortable swellings to contend with.


Sadly, for 80-90% of the population of teenagers, there are another 4 teeth that need to erupt and will do so between the ages of 13-17. Known as wisdom teeth, these 4 teeth appear behind the second molars on both the upper and lower jaw. While this may sound straightforward, they rarely come without their own set of issues and can cause havoc with your already erupted adult teeth.

Luckily, we can help! Our team at Aura Dental knows how uncomfortable wisdom teeth can be and can assess yours as they begin to erupt. Our dentist in St John’s Wood will be able to identify any potential issues with these additional teeth following an examination, allowing you to decide if you want to have your wisdom teeth removed.

But what are some of the more tell-tale signs that our dentist in St John’s Wood needs to remove your wisdom teeth?

Eating issues

As wisdom teeth rarely erupt straight in the way that other teeth do, they can cause issues with eating. If you notice that your wisdom teeth are preventing you from removing food debris, or ache when pressure is applied, you need to see our dentist in St John’s Wood to discuss your options.

Gum inflammation

As you may or may not remember, when teeth erupt, the surrounding gum becomes sensitive to touch due to inflammation.This is part of the process for wisdom tooth eruption too, except over 40% of patients experience gum inflammation once the teeth have finished erupting, making brushing and eating harder. If your teeth have erupted and your gums still look red and are sore to the touch, contact our team at Aura Dental.

Sinus issues

Wisdom teeth that grow in the upper jaw can press against the sinuses once they have fully rooted and developed.

And as you know, blocked sinuses can lead to congestion, pressure and extremely painful headaches. If you have been having congestive issues since your upper set of wisdom teeth erupted, then our team can take an X-Ray to assess if the issues are related and then discuss a treatment plan with you to alleviate the pressure.

Stiff jaw

From the upper jaw to the lower jaw!

As the more mobile of the jaws, if you notice that there is stiffness in your jaw, such as pain when you are trying to bite into food or when you yawn, your wisdom teeth may be at fault once again. This is caused by the wisdom teeth pushing against your other teeth and leading to pressure in the jaw, or stiffness. If you have a hard time opening your mouth, talk to our team.


Or you may just experience a sense of pressure in your jaw, which can feel like a persistent ache. If you do, contact Aura Dental today!