Unsure if you need to see our emergency dentist? 5 issues that need urgent attention

Following 2020, many dental patients are a bit apprehensive about stepping back into dental surgery. There have been many changes over the last year and understandably, fewer people are as concerned about their teeth as they have been previously.


With the ongoing pandemic, social distancing and other restrictions in place, many people are puzzled about the rules surrounding dental emergencies; are they still the same? Are you able to see an emergency dental team on the same day?

At Aura Dental, we are proud that our dentist in St John’s Wood can keep our doors open and we are currently seeing emergency dental cases every day. We will aim to see you on the same day that you contact us, allowing you to get back to your daily life pain and stress-free. Simple!

But have the criteria for what constitutes an emergency trip to see our dentist in St John’s Wood changed? Read on to find out!


A universal indicator of a dental emergency is discomfort; it may be intermittent, feel like a burning sensation or may even only occur when you are eating or drinking hot or cold foods and drinks. Either way, if your discomfort is keeping you from focusing or is impacting on your sleep, you need to see our emergency dentist in St John’s Wood as soon as possible.


Another indicator that there is an issue is swelling. This could be located on your face, on your gum line or under your jaw.Even if the swelling doesn’t hurt, it still needs to be seen by our team urgently, before it presents an issue to your ability to eat or breathe. Even a painless swelling could point to an abscess or an impacted wisdom tooth, both of which require urgent medical attention from our team.

Loose fillings or crowns

An irritation that can occur with procedures such as fillings or crowns is that they can come loose or even fall out. Like the swelling, even if this doesn’t hurt, you need to book an emergency appointment to see our team to have them replaced. For example, an open or loose filling can allow bacteria to gain access to the pulp, causing further discomfort, decay and maybe even an abscess. If you actually have your lost filling or crown, bring it into our team who will be able to reattach it.

Detached braces

While rare, if you notice that one of your fitted brace brackets is loose or has come away from the tooth, you need to see our team! While we won’t be able to assess any damage in the way that your orthodontist would, we will be able to temporarily reattach it until your orthodontic appointment, where it will be fitted in place.

Cracks and chips

Like a lost filling, such minor damage can seem trivial but needs urgent attention from our team. Not doing so can again allow bacteria to get underneath your tooth’s enamel, and cause issues with decay and infection occurrence.