The power of a genuine smile at last

If you don’t smile as often as you’d like because you are ashamed of your misaligned teeth, you are depriving yourself of feeling happy and the knock-on effects that internal happiness has on your social interactions.

At Aura Dental, we offer braces in North West London because we want people to experience the magic that can start to happen in their lives when they lose their self-consciousness about their smile.

braces-in-North-LondonHaving a great smile boosts the confidence. The act of genuinely smiling releases feel-good chemicals in the body, such as serotonin and beta-endorphin. These neuropeptides fit into special receptors throughout the body, and make us feel happier and more connected to life and the people around us. Others pick up on this and see us as more approachable and easier to connect with. Our social and work lives expand, offers come our way that may not have done before. We get new job offers, make more friends, enjoy new group activities. Life gets richer and more rewarding, and all because we are now unafraid to let loose the full power of our smile, thanks to braces in North West London.

At Aura Dental, we offer various braces systems, including:

Inman Aligner – this braces system is designed to realign the front teeth only. It is removable orthodontic appliance, so you can take it out for eating and cleaning. Worn as prescribed, it can straighten your teeth in only six to 18 weeks.

Six Months Smile – this is a fixed bracket and wire system, with the added plus of using clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires that are barely visible. As the name suggests, this braces system can realign teeth in an average of six months.

Invisible braces – if you’d rather not do the wire options, invisible braces are custom-made tight-fitting trays rather like bite-guards. You wear a series of them, each for two weeks. Each one gradually shifts your teeth towards their desired position.

If you would like to find out how braces in North West London can transform your smile, and maybe even your life, please come to Aura Dental for a consultation. We love to show people what is possible with braces these days.