The importance of visiting your dentist on a regular basis

It is important to visit our dentist St John’s Wood, here at Aura Dental, on a regular basis to ensure good oral health, a beautiful smile and better overall wellbeing. We recommend that you visit the dentist at least once every six months and more frequently if you suffer from dental issues. Routine appointments at our dentist St John’s Wood consist of a thorough examination of your teeth and gums, and X-rays where necessary, to help detect any dental problems. Our dentist will discuss your oral hygiene routine and provide you with specialist advice where necessary.


Dental hygiene

Here at your dentist St John’s Wood we also recommend that you visit the hygienist on a regular basis, similarly once every six months, for a professional clean of your teeth to remove plaque and tartar, helping to promote better dental health and a more beautiful smile too. We offer hygienist appointments for children, which are very important, especially for children who are brushing their teeth by themselves. A significant percentage of young children suffer from dental caries and can therefore benefit from regular appointments with the hygienist. Your dentist St John’s Wood may recommend a periodontal deep clean and this is important for helping to prevent and treat gingivitis, periodontitis and tooth loss. We are also pleased to present airflow, a popular and modern hygiene treatment which helps break up stain molecules on your teeth for a beautiful white smile.

Visiting the dentist and hygienist in combination on a regular basis will help prevent dental issues and gum disease. If any problems present themselves they will be detected early on and therefore can be treated effectively and successfully before they cause further complications.

Here, at our practice, we are passionate about promoting good oral health for life, therefore we want you to bring your whole family, from the very young to the elderly, for regular check-ups, so that we can help you enjoy a happy healthy smile and to retain your natural teeth for as long as possible in life. Our dentist is able to offer a full range of restorative dental treatments for those who are suffering from dental concerns. The majority of dental health issues are caused by poor oral hygiene and avoiding the dentist. By maintaining a good, daily dental hygiene routine at home and visiting the dentist regularly, such issues and complications can be prevented.

Mouth cancer screening

At our practice we are also pleased to offer you oral cancer screening. We want you to book an appointment each year for a mouth cancer screen. We will carry out a full history of your oral health and a thorough examination of your teeth, gums and mouth to help detect any abnormalities which may be indicative of mouth cancer. Unfortunately many lifestyle choices such as smoking and drug abuse can also result in mouth cancer, therefore it is important to carry out regular screening so that any abnormalities can be detected from the outset and treated effectively and successfully.