Teeth straightening and teeth whitening at your dentist St John’s Wood

One of the first things we notice when we meet someone is the appearance of their smile. Neatly aligned, white smiles are attractive to look at and memorable too. A healthy and beautiful smile not only helps you feel better about yourself but also promotes overall well-being and boosts the way other people see you. Here at Aura Dental, we want everyone to be happy with their teeth and smile. So, if you feel that your teeth could be improved, then speak to our dentist St John’s Wood today and find out about the different treatments that we offer to help improve the aesthetics of your smile. Cosmetic dentistry has become increasingly popular over the last two decades, and visiting the dentist has become an important part of self-grooming.


Teeth straightening

Here at Aura Dental, there are many different treatment options for addressing the misalignment issues of your teeth. Whether you are looking to correct extensive misalignment or simply improve your smile, we have many different options available for you. Traditional orthodontics is carried out using metal dental braces, and to this day, it remains the most effective form of teeth straightening. The braces consist of metal wires and brackets that can be fixed to the surface of your teeth and pull your teeth into position. If you are reluctant to undergo traditional orthodontic treatment, you may wish to consider clear braces or invisible orthodontics as they work in the same way but also provide discretion. If you are looking to carry out a minor realignment of your teeth, then you could find out about the use of aligners rather than fixed braces. Speak to our dentist St John’s Wood to find out more today.

Teeth whitening

Yellow teeth is another issue that can affect the appearance of your smile and impact your self-confidence. Teeth whitening procedures at our dentist are both safe and effective. If you are looking to whiten your teeth gradually in the comfort of your own home, then you can find out about home whitening kits from our dentist St John’s Wood. If you are looking for a more dramatic transformation, then you may wish to find out about having your teeth professionally whitened by our dentist at the clinic. Speak to us at Aura Dental today and find out about teeth whitening at our dentist St John’s Wood.

Here at Aura Dental, we proudly recommend the Enlighten teeth whitening system, which has a 98% success rate. This system works using a combination of hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide that makes up the teeth whitening gels. The gel can be worn in individually tailored dental trays for either a short time during the day or overnight whilst you sleep. This is a two-week process that can be completed within a 40-minute whitening session at our dentist. Speak to us to find out more about Enlighten and other teeth whitening procedures here at Aura Dental. Together we can help you achieve a smile that you are proud to show off to the world.