Aura Dental



Despite all of our efforts in preserving teeth, there are times when it's necessary to start new. Hence, the service of "New Teeth in One Day" is most appropriate for patients that have the following conditions:

You may ask yourself, how does it work? With the aid of implants, we can now restore your smile to function. It takes 4 or more implants to restore, most of the teeth. Hence, the term, "all on 4" or all teeth on 4 implants. However, this name "all on 4" is patented by a particular implant company, there are other terms to describe the same procedure. For instance, "Teeth in a day" or "Smile in a day" are commonly used.

For those who suffer from ill-fitting dentures or mobile, failing teeth, the delivery of stable, natural-looking teeth through dental implants can restore that self-confidence and vitality that has often been lost.

How does it work?

Teeth in a day, step by step

  1. Visiting the dentist to determine if you are a suitable candidate for teeth in a day. Your dentist will evaluate how healthy your gums are, and the density of your jaw bone. He or she can rectify problems with periodontal disease or bone density, both of which can lower the success rate for the teeth in a day procedure.
  2. Diagnostic and planning. You will undergo a CBCT scan or other imaging processes and the dentist will determine how best the implants should be placed in your jaw, as well as begin orchestrating the care you will need.
  3. Impressions taken to make your teeth. The restorations created will look and function just like natural teeth. The big plus being no palate for upper dentures, a big win for patients, as taste buds will not be covered.
  4. Surgery day. On the day that your "teeth in a day" procedure takes place, any remaining teeth will be extracted (if they haven't been already), and the implants will be placed in the jaw.
  5. Dental restorations/overdentures placed. A temporary set of overdentures will be loaded onto your new implants on the day of your procedure. You will leave the office with teeth! Later, a permanent set of teeth will take their place – and your new teeth will be ready to help you eat, smile and speak!
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