Straighten your teeth and discreetly and conveniently with Invisalign

If you have crooked or uneven teeth then you are more likely to develop dental health issues in the future. Here at Aura Dental we carry out a thorough examination of your teeth and gums each time you visit the dentist making sure that your teeth remain healthy and clean. If you visit us regularly then misalignment issues will be identified early on in life and we can put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you. If you have a neatly aligned smile then you are less likely to develop dental health issues in the future. Here at our practice we have a range of different orthodontic options that we can offer you according to your dental requirements. One of the most popular teeth straightening options here and across the world is Invisalign St John’s Wood.


Advantages of Invisalign

Invisalign St John’s Wood is the ideal orthodontic choice for the modern generation. It is suitable for those who have avoided orthodontic treatment when they were younger because they did not want visible braces stuck to the front of their teeth. It is also suitable for those who have a busy, hectic lifestyle and want to get on with the treatment from the comfort of their own home, avoiding long appointments at the dental clinic. It is ideal for those who want to correct the appearance of their teeth, but do not want to draw unnecessary attention to their mouth.

Invisalign St John’s Wood is very discreet. It uses clear thermoplastic aligners to straighten your teeth which are almost invisible when they are in your mouth. They fit over your teeth accurately as they are designed using the latest in digital dental technology. This means that they are comfortable to wear and there is little chance of developing cuts or sores in the mouth. Invisalign aligners need to be taken out of your mouth at mealtimes which means you can eat your favourite foods, there are no restrictions. By taking them out of your mouth you are also able to maintain a good dental hygiene routine including brushing and flossing your teeth after meal times, making sure that your mouth is free of any lingering food particles which could cause complications later on. You can also visit our dentist as necessary to make sure that your teeth remain clean and healthy and to check that the process is coming along successfully.

Overall you can achieve a smile transformation with Invisalign in 12 to 18 months depending on your dental requirements. Once you have completed the treatment you can speak to one of our dentists and find out about a retainer system that will help maintain the new alignment of your teeth. This is very important as often patients find that their teeth canĀ  begin to move back to their original positions. With the help of a retainer you will be able to enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile for many years to come. Speak to us at Aura Dental today and find out more about teeth straightening, looking after your dental health and why Invisalign may be the best option for you.