Reasons to attend your check-ups with our dentist

Most people are familiar with the routine. You are going about your day and get a beep on your phone reminding you that it is time to attend your bi-annual checkup with your dental team. If you are like most people, you will already be thinking of a way to get out of this or push it back as much as possible. For some people, there are few things in life more unnerving than getting into the dental chair, and for others, this idea is simply too much to handle.


However, for your physical and general dental health, it is essential to attend dental checkups every six months or as often as needed. But if you are at high risk of decay or other ailments, it may be once every three months.

Our team at Aura Dental is always happy to welcome new patients to see our dentist St John’s Wood and eager to highlight the importance of regular dental checkups. They may not be fun or may seem like an inconvenience, but these 10-minute appointments can actually save your life.

So what are some reasons to attend checkups with our dentist St John’s Wood as often as possible?

Checking on restoratives

If you have ever had a filling or a crown fitted, then it is essential that you visit our dentist St John’s Wood as often as needed or as set down in your treatment plan. This is because restoratives like crowns and fillings can and do come loose, and patients are unlikely to notice this. But our team will be able to spot signs of minor decay around these restoratives, indicating that they have come loose; this can save you a literal pain in the tooth and ensure that your smile stays intact.

Gum health

Most people assume that the loss of a tooth in adult life is due to decay, but in actuality, it is usually linked to gum health. One of the advantages of regularly attending checkups with our team is that we will assess the condition of your gums and whether there are signs of gum disease. Moreover, we can prescribe medicated mouthwashes or toothpaste and provide you with a scale-and-polish.

Oral cancer screening

Oral cancer is one of the easiest cancers to identify and treat if caught early enough, and an oral cancer screening is something our team can offer when you attend checkups. It is more important to proceed with these screenings if there is a history of oral cancer in your family or if you are a smoker or heavy drinker, as these push the risks of this condition up.

Plaque and tartar removal

Excessive levels of plaque and tartar have been linked to higher levels of decay and gum disease. And if you find it hard to remove plaque in a part of your mouth, attending checkups will enable our team to do this for you to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

General health

There is a wealth of research suggesting that higher levels of plaque in the mouth are linked to cardiovascular diseases, cancers and strokes. So, by attending checkups with our team and having plaque routinely removed, you may actually be prolonging or saving your own life.