Enjoy a beautiful smile with dental implants at our dentist

Good dental health is very important as problems with your teeth can affect your everyday life and have any impact on your overall wellbeing. It is important that you visit our dentist St John’s Wood at least once every six months and more often when necessary so that your teeth remain clean and free of plaque and tartar. Our dentist St John’s Wood will be able to remove any excess plaque and tartar and look for signs of cavities, tooth decay and gum disease. Tooth decay and gum disease are common issues that can be treated when detected early on. If you avoid our dentist St John’s Wood for long periods of time then they can cause irreversible damage to your teeth. The longer you avoid a check-up the more damage you will do and eventually you may have to undergo a tooth extraction because the tooth can no longer be saved.


If you have lost a tooth either as a result of tooth decay or gum disease, or even if you have been in an accident and have missing teeth, you need to speak to our dentist and find out about replacing your missing teeth with dental implants.

Dental implants

Dental implants are an excellent method of tooth replacement chosen by dentists and patients across the world. Although they have been in use for many decades, over the last few years they have seen a surge in popularity and with much research and development they have an excellent success rate of over 96%. With dental implants you can replace your missing teeth and forget that you lost your original ones.

Dental implants allow your replacement teeth to look and feel exactly like your natural dentition. They are small, strong titanium screws that work in a similar fashion to the root of your missing tooth. They provide a sturdy foundation for a crown or a set of dentures allowing you to continue with your daily life as if you never lost a tooth in the first place.

To find out if you are eligible for dental implants you will need to undergo an examination at our dental practice. Our dentist will look at the health of your remaining teeth and gums and examine your jawbone to find out if your mouth can hold an implant in place. You will need an X-ray and a three-dimensional scan and if dental implants are suitable for you then this will help our dentist to calculate the number of implants that you need, what size the implant should be and how it will need to be positioned in your jaw for optimal results. Our dentist will then put a treatment plan in place and book you in for the surgery. The surgery can take a few hours depending on the number of implants that you need and within a few months you should be able to replace your missing teeth permanently.

Speak to us at Aura Dental today and find out more about dental implants and whether or not they are suitable for you. Let us put together an individually tailored treatment plan that will address your dental needs and restore the beauty and function of your smile very soon.

What are the advantages of Invisalign?

For many adults, considering orthodontic treatment when no longer in childhood used to be a challenging decision. How would they continue their day-to-day activities with the accompanying awkwardness or embarrassment of having to wear an orthodontic device?


With the arrival of Invisalign St John’s Wood to the dental scene, many of these challenges were removed, which is why this orthodontic option has become a hugely popular one with adults.

At Aura Dental, we are proud to be a modern dental practice, excited by the developments in the dental industry that produce more efficient treatments, procedures and desired results. We have dental professionals experienced in using Invisalign St John’s Wood to fix orthodontic issues and smile imperfections, from dental overcrowding to gap-toothed smiles.

We take a look at some of the advantages of Invisalign St John’s Wood that promote it as the number one orthodontic choice for many of our adult patients.

Advantages that set Invisalign apart from other teeth-straightening devices

Invisalign trays are made from smart-grade plastic material which makes them more comfortable to wear and gentler on the teeth and gums. There are no metal parts that cut into sensitive areas in the mouth like the inside of cheeks and gums.

What is more, the plastic is transparent which means the trays are barely detectable when worn in the mouth. This is excellent news for teenagers and adult patients who are more self-conscious about their appearance and who are usually more embarrassed to be seen wearing an orthodontic device.

The fact that Invisalign braces are not permanently attached to teeth is the next big drawcard. At certain times during the day patients are allowed to remove the trays to perform oral hygiene obligations and to eat and drink.

Wearing a traditional orthodontic device designed with metal components can make it difficult for toothbrush bristles and floss thread to do their job properly. Patients on these treatment plans would normally have to endure a laborious process to get their teeth cleaned. Being able to remove the orthodontic device before brushing and flossing means that patients can clean their teeth as normal and without any hassles.

Food restrictions do not apply when using Invisalign. Patients on traditional orthodontic plans are asked to avoid certain foods that may damage metal components. As the trays are removed at mealtimes, patients can eat and drink whatever they like.

What patients using Invisalign to straighten teeth do have to remember though is to only remove the trays when cleaning teeth and eating. This is permissible for only a limited time. Outside of these activities, the trays need to be worn so that they can do the job they are designed to do.

Invisalign has proven to be a viable treatment option for minor aesthetic issues as well as complex orthodontic problems. To discover just what Invisalign can do for your smile and oral health, please schedule a consultation at Aura Dental. We will talk you through the Invisalign treatment process and provide you with a tailored treatment plan to ensure your specific dental needs and smile goals are met.

Why it’s so important to visit the dentist regularly

Skipping out on dental appointments should not be taken lightly. Something as simple as a dental check-up at the dentist St John’s Wood plays a critical role in helping maintain dental health and function. What is more, is that seeing the dentist St John’s Wood on a regular basis is also important to support a strong, healthy physical body.


At Aura Dental, we believe that providing good quality dental care and a pleasant and satisfactory patient experience is the only way to keep a longstanding relationship with our patients.

It is important that patients understand why we encourage regular dental visits to check on oral health so in today’s post, we take a look at some of the vital ways our dentist St John’s Wood can help you enjoy not only good dental health, but a healthier body and happier state of mind.

The risks of not visiting the dentist

You may be brushing your teeth twice a day but this is not enough to ensure you enjoy lifelong good dental health. All dental experts highly recommend this oral hygiene obligation but there are limitations to the reach of toothbrush bristles.

Bacteria and germs accumulate not only on the surface area of teeth, but also in the spaces between teeth that are notoriously difficult to reach. In the awkward spaces in the mouth where bacteria love to hide and can’t be reached with toothbrush bristles or thread, bacteria begin to accumulate and lead to stubborn deposits on teeth that cause cavities and threaten the longevity of teeth.

The only way to banish these enamel-destroying deposits is through professional dental intervention. A qualified dentist has the knowledge, skills and importantly, the right equipment to remove stubborn deposits of plaque and tartar.

Not having your teeth and gums examined by our dentist mean that minor problems go unchecked to become major problems down the line. Inevitably, this means longer duration treatment plans that carry heavier price tags.

One of the most common dreaded dental diseases that is a result of dental neglect is gum disease. Gum disease is a huge concern, not only because it threatens the health and stability of teeth, but also because of its effect on general health. The dangers for physical health lay in the harmful pathogens that cause gum disease.

Researchers have linked these disease-causing bacteria to life-threatening illnesses such as heart disease and strokes. They can also cause inflammatory conditions in the respiratory system that puts lung health at risk.

Regular visits to the dentist allow our dental practitioner the opportunity to examine teeth and gums to rule out signs of a developing problem. These check-ups should be prioritised and not relegated to the bottom of the to-do list as they guarantee you keep the look of a bright and beautiful smile as well as a stronger and healthier body and mind.

Fresh breath, cleaner and healthier teeth and gums, an attractive smile, healthy confidence levels, psychosocial health to be envied are all the spin-offs of regular visits to our dentist. Looking for a dentist to build a long-term trusted relationship with? Get in touch with us now at Aura Dental.

How do Invisalign devices work?

The introduction of Invisalign St John’s Wood to the range of modern teeth-straightening tools has created quite a stir of excitement among adults who have long dreamed to fix their orthodontic issues, but not wanted to use traditional means to do so.


Invisalign St John’s Wood is distinguished by its remarkable forward-thinking design that does not in any way resemble the very familiar form of metal braces.

At Aura Dental, we are delighted to offer Invisalign St John’s Wood to adults wanting a healthier more beautiful smile, without having their orthodontic treatment plan get in the way of living life. With the clear tray-based braces made from smart-grade plastic, there is no more need to miss out on life’s important events.

On first hearing about Invisalign, the initial question that most people often ask is – how does Invisalign actually work? So, we thought of answering a few questions on what Invisalign is, how it works and what the need-to-know facts are when considering Invisalign to straighten teeth.

What to know about Invisalign

Unlike traditional braces that use a single metal device that remains attached to teeth for the entire duration of the treatment plan, an Invisalign treatment plan consists of a number of clear plastic aligners that gradually push teeth to the desired position. It is the job of each aligner in the set to move teeth in incremental movements closer together to achieve the wanted result.

The medical-grade plastic material contains intuitive technologies that work unseen to close gaps and straighten teeth alignment. Results are achieved relatively more quickly than alternative treatment plans and our patients report that the aligners are more comfortable to wear.

In order to be considered for Invisalign treatment, you would need to be assessed by our experienced Invisalign provider. Our dental professional will need to evaluate the complexity of your orthodontic situation before deciding on the number of Invisalign trays needed to produce results.

Invisalign is a preferred orthodontic treatment option for numerous reasons. Patients who do qualify for Invisalign can look forward to a range of sought-after benefits. The first of these benefits is that the aligners are removable. This feature allows for easier oral hygiene maintenance and the removal of food restrictions. Patients are allowed to remove the aligner trays before eating and drinking and when cleaning their mouth.

With traditional orthodontic devices, patients need to avoid certain foods that could potentially damage the metal components. The intricacies of the metal components also make brushing and flossing a challenge.

Maintaining strict oral hygiene is essential for anyone on an orthodontic treatment plan and so there is no getting away from brushing and flossing, no matter how challenging it is with traditional orthodontic devices.

Food restrictions do not present a challenge as such, but it can mean missing out on favourite foods and treats during the orthodontic process.

To ensure a completely successful orthodontic process with Invisalign, it is mandatory to follow all instructions given by us when receiving the aligners, from how to keep the trays clean to the number of hours they need to be sitting on teeth.

Is it time to address your orthodontic issues for a straighter, more pleasing smile? At Aura Dental, our experienced Invisalign practitioner can create a custom-made treatment plan just for you. To find out more, please contact our reception desk for an appointment.

How to choose the right dentist

Like most people, the first essential you will look for in a dentist St John’s Wood is the range of their professional qualifications, And rightly so. Relevant professional dental qualifications are non-negotiable if you are to receive proper dental care.


But there is so much more to modern dentistry today, a dentist St John’s Wood should be more than just a health practitioner treating a problem. In addition to this, there should be desirable personality traits in a dentist St John’s Wood that encourage a more positive and pleasant patient experience.

At Aura Dental, we try to exceed patient expectations by approaching dental care with a patient-centred philosophy and outstanding quality dental care born of experience and a deep well of knowledge.

A good dental experience can be life-changing. In this post, we uncover all those special qualities to look for in a dentist that increases the likelihood of a great patient experience.

Qualities in a dentist that raise the likelihood of a positive patient experience

Chances are that you will not want to hop from one dentist to another for different types of dental care so it is best to choose a dentist that offers a full dental service menu (preventive care, general dentistry, orthodontic, restorative and cosmetic). It is also preferable that you would be able to receive emergency dental care at your chosen dental practice.

Find a dentist affiliated to regulatory bodies like the General Dental Council (GDC) and Care Quality Commission (CQC). Proof of these registrations indicates that the dental practice supports high standards in dental care and patient experiences.

A forward-thinking dentist will make sure to invest in the latest dental technologies and equipment to provide efficient and efficacious dental care as well as quality results.

If you are a nervous patient who gets anxious in the dental environment or at the thought of receiving dental care then choosing a dental practice that accommodates the needs of nervous patients will ensure you don’t skip out on your dental appointments.

While it is good to prioritise factors such as qualifications, experience and dental technologies, it is also a good idea to pay attention to the personality traits of a dentist. You will want to choose a dentist who is pleasant and approachable, willing to listen and with the patience to educate you on oral health matters. If you feel intimidated or awkward speaking to the dentist providing oral health care, you are less likely to be open and honest about your concerns or your needs and goals. Such a dentist-patient relationship cannot offer you a satisfactory patient experience.

Taking care of your teeth and gums does more than just promote good dental health – it is good news for your general physical health as well. Visiting our dentist regularly ensures that you keep on top of your oral hygiene which means you get to keep your beautiful smile. There is also less chance of bad oral bacteria escaping the mouth to wreak havoc on the cardiovascular or respiratory systems.  To keep your dental health in optimal condition, please contact us at Aura Dental for a check-up.

Misaligned teeth? It’s time you knew about Invisalign!

Let’s not beat about the bush: having misaligned teeth isn’t ideal! If your teeth aren’t in alignment, you could have issues with chewing your food, speaking clearly, cleaning your teeth properly, jaw pain, and low self-esteem. Nobody wants to be self-conscious about smiling and it is even more serious if you are experiencing pain or speech difficulties. That’s why it is really important that you seek treatment and here at Aura Dental, we have a range of treatments to suit you and your family. When it comes to realigning your teeth, Invisalign St John’s Wood is one of the treatments that could be just the ticket to getting a great smile that looks superb and functions wonderfully too.


The secret of Invisalign

Invisalign St John’s Wood is a treatment of clear plastic aligners that are virtually invisible to others. They are worn over the teeth, so only your smile should be noticeable through the transparent plastic. Each aligner that you wear applies a certain amount of pressure to push the teeth into the targeted position, and you will change between your aligners every couple of weeks. We have a range of different Invisalign treatments, with different expected treatment times. Firstly, we offer Invisalign Express, which is used for very minor alignment issues and aims to treat you with just 7 aligners. We also have Invisalign Lite, which targets the front teeth and should yield results in just 4 months, on average. Then we have the regular Invisalign treatment that is used for mild to moderate issues and can achieve results in around 6 to 18 months. We also have Invisalign First, which is for 6 to 10 year olds and aims to address jaw alignment and arches to ensure that there is room for the milk teeth that are there, as well as the adult teeth that will be coming through.

Other advantages you’ll love!

The other advantages of having Invisalign St John’s Wood, aside from the discreet nature of the aligners and the time-efficient manner in which you should see your results, is the fact that you can remove the aligners every day. You will just need to wear them for 22 hours. This means that you will have time to take them out, while you are eating meals and cleaning your teeth. Therefore, you won’t need to worry about avoiding hard or chewy foods for fear of damaging your aligners, nor will you have to try and clean your teeth around them, allowing you to maintain excellent oral hygiene standards. You should also find that your aligners are really comfortable to wear, because they are made to measure your teeth precisely. This is because we digitally scan your mouth to get the measurements for your aligners to be manufactured to. We can also use ClinCheck to show you what your teeth will look like at different stages of the treatment, before you even get started, including the end result! This will enable you to visualise how your treatment will unfold and deliver the wonderful results you hope to achieve.

To learn more about Invisalign, book in for a consultation with us at Aura Dental, where we will examine you and discuss all of the treatment options. If you decide to pursue Invisalign treatment, you could say goodbye to misaligned teeth in no time at all!

For a dentist that doesn’t compromise, come to Aura Dental!

If you’re the type of person who isn’t bothered about wearing designer labels or having the latest car, then you may pride yourself on being relaxed about where you go for your dental treatment as well. However, when it comes to your health, you shouldn’t compromise and you should strive for a leading practice. At Aura Dental, we have been finalists in both The Private Dentistry Awards, as well as The Dentistry Awards. Our dentist St John’s Wood offers a wide range of treatments from general dentistry and cosmetic treatments, through to restorative treatments and orthodontics. This means that whatever your dental needs, we will be able to treat you and your whole family. We are particularly sympathetic and understanding when it comes to nervous patients. We offer a relaxing lounge, while you wait for your treatment, as well as the option to listen to music through headphones, while you are in the treatment room. We can also make referrals to a hypnotist for those who struggle a lot with dental phobia and we offer sedation for those who require it. Plus, if you are concerned about finding time to visit us, we remove the stress of having to take time off work by offering appointments to 6pm, Monday to Friday, as well as appointments on Saturdays as well. One of our popular treatments is teeth whitening, which you may choose to have at some point in your life.



At Aura Dental, we offer the only brand of teeth whitening that promises to achieve the Vita shade B1. This can mean lightening your teeth by up to 16 shades. We achieve this through a combination of home and practice-based treatment. You will first have custom-made trays manufactured to fit your mouth precisely. We take impressions of your teeth for these trays to be made. While you are waiting for them to arrive, we will give you a special toothpaste to use at home. This ‘tooth serum’ reduces the sensitivity of your teeth and our dentist St John’s Wood will direct you to use it twice daily. Next, you will return to get your trays and we will provide you with the teeth whitening gel to put into them and wear through the night for a couple of weeks. You will need to continue brushing with the tooth serum as this enhances the effect of the teeth whitening gel, and continues to ensure that your teeth aren’t sensitive during the treatment.

Once you have finished your home whitening kit, you will return to us at the end of the fortnight to have a treatment with us. This is an opportunity for us to give you the final boost your teeth need to look as fabulous as possible. During this appointment, we will ensure the whitening has been even as well, so you should achieve the best results possible.

Reasons to smile

With just a couple of appointments required to achieve a lighter and brighter smile, you should feel positive about having a more aesthetically pleasing smile that has overcome the staining caused by issues such as drinking red wine or caffeine, smoking or eating certain foods, for example. You will be able to keep the trays, so that you can do top-up treatments, when you need to in the future and we can provide you with more gel, when you require it. You will probably need to do this for a night every 3 months or so to maintain your fabulous results, and in the meantime, you shouldn’t need to change your lifestyle in any way.

To discover more about the treatments we offer at Aura Dental, book in for a consultation with our dentist St John’s Wood and let us get your smile looking and feeling wonderful. You won’t need to go anywhere else!

Smile with Invisalign – nobody should notice!

At Aura Dental, we are proud to offer a broad range of treatments to suit the whole family and all of your dental needs. With regular professional development, we stay abreast of the latest techniques and technology in the dentistry field, and we have been finalists in the Private Dentistry Awards and The Dentistry Awards, proving that we are leaders in the work that we do. With flexible opening hours, including Saturdays, we strive to ensure that all of our patients’ needs are met and that they can have access to the dental care that they require. For some, realigning their smile is one of the ways in which we deliver great care that can improve patients’ quality of life with Invisalign St John’s Wood. Invisalign is used to treat alignment issues, such as crowded or gapped teeth, crossbite, and over or underbites. It is a popular treatment with our patients, because it offers discretion and convenience.


Types of treatment

At Aura Dental, we offer a wide range of Invisalign St John’s Wood treatments. We have Invisalign Express, which can achieve results for very minor movements with just 7 sets of aligners. We also have Invisalign Lite, which is designed to achieve results in as little as 4 months. Our regular Invisalign St John’s Wood is a comprehensive treatment that can take between 6 to 18 months on average, and we also have Invisalign First for 6 to 10 year olds. This treatment is aimed at addressing the initial jaw or arch alignments, ensuring that there is room for the adult teeth to come through and for the milk teeth that are already there.

How does Invisalign work?

The clear aligners are made of plastic and are worn over the teeth, so that they are practically invisible to other people. They apply pressure to the teeth to push them into the correct position. You will need to change your aligners every couple of weeks and normally, after 6 weeks, you will need to come and see us for a check-up. We ensure that your aligners are comfortable to wear, thanks to them being made bespoke for your mouth. We get the measurements of your mouth from a digital scan, which we then send to the Invisalign laboratory to have your aligners made for you specifically. We also use ClinCheck technology to provide images of what your teeth will look like at various stages of your treatment, including by the end of it. This can be a highly motivating experience to know what your teeth are going to look like, before you even get started on wearing your aligners.


The great thing about Invisalign is the fact that you must remove the aligners when you are eating, as well as when you want to clean your teeth. This is advantageous, because it means that you can eat what you want and you won’t need to clean your aligners after meals. You will also be able to clean your teeth thoroughly, reducing the risk of developing oral health issues. You could even have some time to remove them for other things, such as playing sports, as long as you have them in for 22 hours a day.

If you would like to know more about Invisalign, or any of our treatments at Aura Dental, come and meet us for a consultation and we can examine you, before offering you the treatments that would suit you best. If you can have Invisalign, you could have award-worthy treatment from us and get great results in just months.

Aura Dental: the dentist you can’t do without!

If you’ve been searching for a dentist St John’s Wood, then it is likely that you have been checking out what a search engine has to suggest. However, if you’re a bit more discerning than simply finding what comes up at the click of a search button, you may also be interested in finding out what a practice has to offer. At Aura Dental, our dentist St John’s Wood has been a finalist in a number of prestigious awards, such as The Dentistry Awards and the Private Dentistry Awards. Moreover, we also offer all the treatments you could ever need from dentistry, including treatment for children, through to cosmetic and restorative work. By choosing Aura Dental, you shouldn’t need to go anywhere else, especially as we like to make it as easy as possible for you to come and see us. We have Saturday appointments, and we are open until 6pm Monday to Friday as well. We hope that this fits in with most people’s schedules. You should come and see us for our treatments using the latest technology, such as our therapies for missing teeth.


Dental implants

Dental implants are designed to stabilise replacement teeth of crowns, bridges or dentures. They enable these replacement teeth options to be fitted permanently in your mouth, without the need to remove them for cleaning or going to sleep. Dental implants are metal screws that are attached to the jawbone. They become embedded in place, when the gums heal around them and the titanium metal they are made from bonds really well with the body’s tissues. Once the screws are in place, we use an abutment to attach the replacement teeth and hence your teeth are securely fitted and should be there to stay.

How do I take care of dental implants?

Dental implants are really easy to take care of and maintain. All you need to do is brush and floss normally and regularly. You will also be required to come and see our dentist St John’s Wood for your routine check-ups. If you are able to do this, your dental implants could last for the rest of your life and nobody should be aware that you don’t have a completely natural smile.

Do dental implants hurt?

When you are having your dental implants fitted, you shouldn’t actually feel a thing as you will have local anaesthetic. You will not be having major surgery, so you will be able to leave after your appointment as well. You will need to have two appointments in total. During the first, you will have the implants fitted and our dentist will attach temporary replacement teeth to these, while your gums have time to heal. A few weeks later, you can then come for your second appointment, where you will then have your permanent teeth attached.

Which replacement teeth will I have?

We normally use crowns for single tooth replacements. Bridges are typically used to replace several teeth, whereas dentures are used for replacing a whole set of teeth. With dental implants, you should feel confident that they won’t loosen when you are talking, or when you are eating. You won’t be required to avoid certain foods that may be hard or chewy, and you can simply continue life as normal once you have your implants. Dental implants are seen as being the next best thing to having your natural teeth.

If you would like to find out more about dental implants, pop in to see us for a consultation and we can examine you. We will then be able to advise on what the treatments are that would be suitable for your needs. At Aura Dental, we hope to be able to treat you and your family for many happy years to come, without you needing to go anywhere else; we’ve got you covered!

For dental implants, we have a dentist St John’s Wood who’s here for you

Let’s not beat about the bush: you could have missing teeth for a variety of reasons. Whether you have missing teeth due to poor oral hygiene, smoking, medication, illness, or an unfortunate accident, the result will be the same: missing teeth are not aesthetically pleasing and can increase your risk of further oral health problems due to exposure to more bacteria. At Aura Dental, we have a treatment that could be the next best thing to having natural teeth, and our dentist St John’s Wood will be able to advise you if it is a suitable treatment for you when you book a consultation to discuss the treatment options. At Aura Dental, we have been finalists in several Private Dentistry Awards and The Dentistry Awards too. Choosing to come to our friendly, forward-thinking practice that truly cares about you as an individual could be the best thing you ever do for your mouth. We even open on Saturdays to ensure you have a chance to see us!


Welcome to dental implants!

If you haven’t heard of dental implants, then you will wonder why when you realise how convenient they are for replacing missing teeth. Your natural teeth have two parts: the part you can see and the root that is under your gums and attached to your jawbone. When you lose one or more of your teeth, our dentist St John’s Wood at Aura Dental can now treat you using dental implants, which are small screws that replicate the missing tooth’s root. We will firmly fix your implant into your jawbone; the tissue will heal around the screws, so they won’t go anywhere. This then allows us to attach replacement teeth. You can have crowns, bridges or dentures, depending on the number of teeth you need to replace. Whatever option is right for you, with all of them, there will be no requirement to remove them at night, and you won’t have to avoid eating any food that you think could loosen them because they shouldn’t be going anywhere! It’s a brave new world!

Smile naturally

The obvious benefit of dental implants is the fact that your teeth will look completely natural, so nobody should realise that you have replacement teeth. What’s more, they shouldn’t loosen and give the game away! You could even find that your replacement teeth make you look younger as well. If your face has become drawn from having missing teeth, replacing them gives your face the required structure to make it look more youthful again. It’s definitely a great bonus for having dental implants! Of course, it’s not all just about appearances; by replacing your missing teeth, you can protect the teeth and gums that were left from being overexposed to bacteria and developing more issues.

We’re here for you!

Whether you want to see our friendly team during a lunch break or to pop in at the weekend, we have flexible appointment times to suit you, and we’re ready to meet you and get your personalised treatment plan in motion. We will discuss your concerns, examine you and explain fully what the options are so that you can make an informed decision about what you want to do. Why wait? We’re here now!