Different types of braces at our dentist in St. John’s Wood

Thanks to advances in dental technology there are more options than ever before to help address the aesthetic issues which may be affecting the appearance and health of your teeth. Misalignment issues of the teeth not only affect the way you feel about your smile, but they also have a detrimental effect on your oral health. Teeth straightening is a commonly sought after treatment here at Aura Dental and we are happy to be able to offer you a range of treatment options to suit your dental requirements and your personal preferences. Speak to our dentist St. John’s Wood today to book a smile assessment and an examination of your teeth and gums; to help you achieve a smile that is healthy and attractive and allows you to enjoy clean teeth and strong gums for life.

Dentist St. John’s Wood

Invisalign in St John’s Wood

Invisalign is a highly popular choice of orthodontic treatment here at our dentist St. John’s Wood. Invisalign is modern and innovative, and uses removable aligners to straighten your teeth comfortably and conveniently, without drawing further attention to your mouth. As the name suggests Invisalign is an almost invisible treatment method. It uses clear thermoplastic aligners that are worn in your mouth to apply pressure to your teeth and move them into a neater formation. Invisalign uses digital technology to manufacture the aligners with accuracy and precision, so that they produce excellent aesthetic results helping you achieve a smile which is highly attractive, promoting better dental health at the same time.

Inman aligner

Another popular choice at our dentist St. John’s Wood is the Inman aligner. The Inman aligner is a discreet orthodontic treatment for correcting misalignment issues of the front teeth. It is ideal for the treatment of front teeth which are protruding, overlapping or overcrowded. It is a removable appliance which helps correct misalignment problems with your teeth quickly and effectively. As it only focuses on your front teeth, treatment times with Inman aligners can be significantly shorter than with other orthodontic braces. Treatment times range from 4 weeks to 14 weeks and it works using a coiled spring to squeeze your teeth into a neater formation. The British Dental Association launched the Inman aligner in the UK in 2008, therefore it is relatively new, so speak to our dentist St. John’s Wood to find out more.

Traditional orthodontics

Traditional orthodontic braces are fixed braces which consist of brackets that are attached to the front surfaces of your teeth and connected using metal wires which then work by pulling your teeth into a neater formation. Traditional orthodontic treatment is recommended for those with complicated orthodontic issues and although this may take several months to help straighten your teeth it is highly effective with lasting results. Speak to us at our practice today and book an appointment with our dentist to find out which type of dental brace is the most suitable for correcting the misalignment issues of your teeth and let us help you achieve a healthier and happier smile very soon.

Need a better smile? Aura Dental has Invisalign St John’s Wood!

If you have misaligned teeth, getting them realigned isn’t just about improving the appearance of your smile. While this may be top of the list for many of our patients at Aura Dental, there are other important factors to consider when thinking about realigning your teeth. Having misaligned teeth can cause issues with speech, your jaw and oral hygiene. That’s why, at Aura Dental, we believe it is essential to realign teeth. If you have mild to moderate alignment issues such as a crossbite, underbite, overbite or gapped or crowded teeth, we have a treatment that is convenient, comfortable and discreet. Invisalign St John’s Wood offers patients results in approximately 6 to 18 months, depending on your individual needs.


What is Invisalign?

If you haven’t heard of Invisalign, you may have heard of the term ‘invisible braces’. However, Invisalign does not use fixed braces but removable plastic aligners. This means that you can wear them over your teeth like a gum shield, but they are much more streamlined and custom-made for your mouth. Invisalign St John’s Wood works by the patient changing between the aligners on a weekly basis. Each aligner applies a different amount of pressure to your teeth to move them into the correct position. This technology is planned out from a digital iTero scan that we take of your mouth before the treatment begins. We use this to get your aligners made in Invisalign’s laboratory, and we can also generate a 3D animation to show you what your teeth will look like after treatment has finished before you’ve even started wearing the aligners!

Why should I go for Invisalign?

If Invisalign St John’s Wood is a treatment that we would recommend for your specific needs, then there are many reasons to choose to go with it. By being able to remove your aligners, you won’t have to alter your diet in any way. You also don’t have to wear them while you are eating and drinking, so you won’t have a messy cleanup operation afterwards! Also, you will be able to continue brushing and flossing as normal, so you should find a reduced risk of developing oral hygiene concerns as a result of wearing Invisalign. If anything, as your teeth become aligned better, you should find it easier to keep your teeth in tip-top condition!

Another reason to love Invisalign is the fact that when you are wearing the aligners, nobody should realise you have them in your mouth. This can give you the confidence to continue with your day, smiling naturally. While you may remove them for up to 2 hours a day, you also have the option to have a little break from wearing them when you need it most, giving you control over what works best for you.

Initial consultation

To find out more about how our team at Aura Dental can help you, visit us for an initial consultation to discuss your concerns, aims and requirements for your treatment. We will examine your mouth thoroughly, possibly taking x-rays, for example, to advise you about which of our extensive range of treatments could work well for you. If Invisalign is a treatment that could work for you, we’ve got you covered and have just what you need. Come and see us for an improved smile!

Looking for a dentist St John’s Wood: look for Aura Dental!

At Aura Dental, we offer a range of treatments for the whole family. Whether you require general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry or restorative treatments, we have a wide range to suit all requirements – you shouldn’t need to go anywhere else. As such, we hope to get to know you well over the years, but our focus is on preventive treatments, so if there is a way that we can help you to look after your teeth and gums to prevent issues from occurring, then that is what we will happily do.


For our younger patients, we particularly focus on advising how to take care of the teeth and gums as good habits built in the younger years will pay dividends in the future years of adulthood. Our team is friendly, caring and professional. We understand that not everyone relishes the thought of visiting the dentist, and for some, it can cause genuine anxiety, and may even be a phobia. We will always take treatments at your own pace and aim to make your experience as relaxing as possible.

One of our treatments that can improve the appearance of your smile and reduce anxiety is Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?

For patients who have mild to moderate alignment issues such as underbites or overbites, crossed teeth, gapped teeth or crowded teeth, we can offer a discreet treatment with Invisalign aligners. These are made of plastic and may be removed. They must be worn over the teeth and gently apply pressure to the teeth to move them into the desired position. Treatment can take around 6 to 18 months and consists of the aligners being changed on a weekly basis. You will only have to come and see your dentist St John’s Wood here at Aura Dental every 6 weeks for a checkup and receive the next batch of aligners.

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign offers flexibility for the patient because the aligners may be removed for up to 2 hours a day. This means that you can remove them when you are eating and drinking, so you won’t need to worry about cleaning masticated food off them! Also, you can remove them when you are playing sports, attending a social event or just feeling like having a break – the choice is all yours!

The aligners can also be custom-made for your mouth using iTero technology, which is what we use to scan your mouth to get the measurements for your aligners to be made. The scan can also be used to generate a 3D animation of what your teeth will look like after treatment, which can be a really motivating experience at the start of your Invisalign journey (cue X-Factor music!). Joking aside, your smile will certainly be improved with Invisalign, and this can improve your self-esteem once you have completed your treatment.

What next?

If you would like to know more about what our dentist St John’s Wood can do for you here at Aura Dental, simply book in for an initial consultation, and we will explore the treatment options with you after examining your mouth thoroughly. Once you’ve been to see our dentist St John’s Wood, you won’t want to look anywhere else.

Fed up with your smile? Invisalign St John’s Wood could be the answer!

If you have been looking in the mirror and feeling down about your smile because it is misaligned, you may be starting to wonder what could be done to improve it if you were to visit the dentist. While there are discreet options for fixed braces, the answer could be even simpler. Invisalign St John’s Wood offers a discreet treatment option that involves removable plastic aligners, so you don’t even have to wear them all day and when you do, nobody should realise that you have anything in your mouth!


How does Invisalign St John’s Wood work?

Invisalign St John’s Wood works by having aligners made to fit your mouth precisely. At Aura Dental, we use iTero technology to scan your mouth and to get the measurements for your aligners to be made. Once we have scanned your mouth, we can then generate a 3D animation to show you how your teeth should look after treatment has been completed, so you will have a clear vision of what wearing your aligners will achieve. We will then provide you with 6 weeks’ worth of aligners, which you will change between on a weekly basis. After this time, you will need to come and see us for a check-up and we can provide you with the next batch of aligners.

As you wear the aligners, they apply pressure to your teeth to gently move them into the targeted position over time. Treatment can take between 6 to 18 months to be completed, although treatment times will vary depending on your individual needs.

What are the advantages of choosing Invisalign?

Many of our patients rejoice in the knowledge that they can wear their aligners without other people realising that they have anything in their mouths. This can give them the confidence they need to pursue treatment and ensure that they complete it. Furthermore, having removable aligners allows you to continue eating and drinking whatever you want, so you won’t need to worry about your aligners breaking when you chomp on an apple – just remove them before you do! The plastic is very durable, so there should be little need to come and see us for emergency appointments, unlike with delicate wires and brackets that can be more prone to breakage.

Another benefit of choosing Invisalign is the fact that you should find them more comfortable to wear, especially as they are made to fit your mouth precisely. If you do need a break, however, you have up to 2 hours a day for this, which is ample time to play sport, go on a date or do whatever you fancy without them in – we quite like a bit of skipping! Go wild!

Anything else I need to know?

To find out which treatment is right for your particular needs, we do advise that you come in and see us for an initial consultation. We will be able to examine your mouth thoroughly and present you with the right treatment options for you. You can ask as many questions as you need to and we aim to get you the most effective treatment for your specific needs. Don’t be fed up with your smile, get fixed up and happy with it!

Aura Dental: our dentist St John’s Wood does it all

At Aura Dental, we are proud to offer excellent care to all of our patients. Our core values centre upon upholding our integrity and professionalism in all of our treatments, as well as empathising and understanding all of our patients’ needs, including those who have dental phobias or are nervous. We have an extensive range of treatments to cater for various issues in general dentistry, cosmetic and restorative dentistry, as well as emergency care. We understand, however, that preventive dentistry is really important and educating patients in how to care for their teeth and gums is also crucial in reducing the need for more treatment. For our younger patients, encouraging good habits from an early age can have major benefits for them as adults. However, for those who need our help, our dentist St John’s Wood is here to help. One treatment we offer for those with missing teeth is dental implants.


What are dental implants?

If you have one or more missing teeth, it is advisable to have them replaced because not doing so can lead to other teeth and the gums being overexposed to bacteria, which can cause further problems. Also, when you have missing teeth, it can cause issues with speech and the face can shrink as the structure has been lost that was provided by your teeth, causing you to look more aged. Thankfully, there is a way that this can be addressed with dental implants.

Implants are titanium screws that are attached to the jawbone. These screws fuse with the body’s tissues and become embedded into the jaw. Once they have healed, they shouldn’t be going anywhere. Depending on how many teeth you need to replace, you can then have crowns, bridges or dentures attached to them.

Why should I choose dental implants?

The results of having dental implants fitted are wonderful! Nobody should be able to tell that you don’t have a full set of natural teeth and they won’t give the game away when you are eating, drinking and socialising. You shouldn’t have to suffer the embarrassment of them loosening while you’re chatting and you won’t need to adapt your diet to avoid them breaking either. Our dentist St John’s Wood will tell you that this is the next best thing to having your natural teeth, both aesthetically and functionally. In fact, if your face had shrunk when you lost your natural teeth, dental implants should solve this issue too and you could even look more fresh-faced and youthful. If you did have issues with speech, this should also be rectified too.

What do I need to do next?

If you would like to find out more about dental implants or any of our other treatments, simply book in for an initial consultation with us. We will be able to discuss your concerns and goals for your teeth. We will examine your mouth thoroughly and we will then be able to advise you about the right treatment for you. With an extensive range, you can be sure that we will be able to help you – just come and see our dentist St John’s Wood to find out how!

How to best protect your Invisalign treatment plan

As with any teeth-straightening treatment plan, patients will need to make a few adjustments to their lifestyles. Even with sky-high popular systems like Invisalign St John’s Wood, there are guidelines of use that are non-negotiable.


Patients opt for Invisalign St John’s Wood for the desirable plus points this system offers – advantages that make the orthodontic process easier, more comfortable and more bearable. At Aura Dental we only look to those orthodontic appliances that offer a high degree of efficacy and desirable outcomes patients want. Invisalign St John’s Wood remains a top choice for patients but it must be said that not adhering to best practice guidelines is a sure-fire way to derail the teeth-straightening process. We encourage patients to see the investment in their treatment plan as more than just money but also an investment in time and effort to give them a great-looking smile.

Correct ways to use Invisalign for a great orthodontic experience

Invisalign is a fantastic choice for patients looking for an orthodontic appliance that fits in well with their lifestyles. Priority areas for patients include comfort, less visibility and less complicated teeth cleaning routines. Invisalign aligners can provide all this and more. To benefit from the advantages offered by the aligners, patients will have to commit to a few guiding principles.

The commitment to using the aligners as recommended becomes the first golden rule. There are two critical parts to this golden rule: wearing the aligners for at least 22 hours a day and sticking to the aligner change schedule.

The aligners are only permitted to be taken out for specific reasons and for a limited time; these being to eat, drink and clean teeth. Eating with the aligners on can damage them and drinking liquids can stain or warp them if hot. Brushing teeth is also not possible when the aligners are worn.

It is important to adhere to the aligner change schedule religiously to keep one’s treatment plan on track. The system works by the patient wearing a series of aligners, each designed to shift teeth in a specific timeframe – one to two weeks. Once the allotted time is up, the next aligner in the series needs to be worn. Forgetting to change aligners according to the schedule will prolong the duration of treatment; an undesirable event for any orthodontic patient.

Make sure to use the aligner-designed storage case when not wearing aligners. Patients won’t always be at home when it is time to remove the aligners; they may be on lunch at work or out for lunch with friends and family. During these times, keeping the aligners safely stored in their storage case should be a priority. Aligners getting lost or damaged can easily thwart the process.

Next to keeping the aligners safe is to clean them only as directed. The aligners are made from thermoplastic material infused with intuitive technologies. Using anything other than dedicated aligner cleaning products, even regular toothpaste and mouthwashes, can interfere with the way the aligners work. In the same way that cleaning teeth is important so too is making sure that the aligners are hygienically clean before putting them on. Bad bacteria can accumulate in the trays and re-enter the mouth.

When seeking quality orthodontic care, patients should not overlook the credentials of an experienced dental practitioner. We have helped many patients realise their dream smiles with comfortable and convenient teeth-straightening treatment plans so choose Aura Dental to give you the smile you crave.

Adverse consequences of not visiting the dentist

Far more patients are aware of the importance of visiting a dentist St John’s Wood when they experience a dental issue, but few place the same importance on routine dental appointments. Dental practitioners find this a worrying trend indeed.


At Aura Dental, we know first-hand the adverse consequences that follow when patients suffer from pain and discomfort resulting from dental diseases. There is nothing so distracting as pain and discomfort to interfere with concentrating on tasks. Not seeking timely professional dental care from a dentist St John’s Wood and a patient may spend a longer period of time away from work and school. Even play and leisure activities can be disrupted, not to mention eating and sleeping. It is for all the above reasons and more that we encourage patients to take a more active approach in taking care of their oral health by making routine appointments with our capable and friendly dentist St John’s Wood to check on or clean their teeth and gums.

The critical importance of taking care of your teeth

To best understand why strong and healthy dentition is important, consider the various functions we rely on teeth to perform. The first obvious function is the grinding of food into easily digestible bits without which we would not be able to sustain our bodies.

The presence of natural teeth also influences how clearly we are able to speak and a strong dental arch gives shape and structure to the face. Then there is the irreplaceable aesthetic value of healthy teeth and gums on the confidence to smile a stunning smile.

What would happen if one cannot speak clearly or smile one’s best smile? When one’s confidence takes a knock, it is the quality of life that suffers. A drop in confidence leads to the increased likelihood of living life on the periphery – minimum social engagement.

There is another worrying concern about poor dental health – the greater possibility of complications with medical conditions. There are well-established links that show how poor oral health relates to problems with overall health and wellbeing.

Problems are first caused when the presence of bad bacteria in the mouth overwhelm the good ones, leading to chronic gum inflammation and tooth decay. These harmful microbes do not just wreak havoc in the mouth, but because the mouth stands as the entry point to the deeper and more vulnerable parts of the body, these destructive microorganisms can threaten vital life organs such as the heart and lungs. For example, advanced stages of gum disease have been found to contribute to cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, certain cancers and stroke.

Best ways to protect oral health

Taking care of natural teeth and gums is simple and easy but it does take consistency to keep one’s teeth for life. We encourage patients to implement a strict practise of brushing twice a day and flossing at least once. It is also important to make sure one is using correct brushing and flossing techniques like holding the toothbrush correctly and not using too much force when brushing.

In addition to best at-home oral hygiene practices is the absolute necessity of professional dental checkups – the only guaranteed way of knowing for sure if all is well with one’s dental health.

Dental appointments are not for only those times you experience a tooth or gum problem but also to gain peace of mind that there are no oral health problems that need attention. For a positive dental experience, choose a reputable dental practice. At Aura Dental we offer top-quality patient-centred dental care.

Top tips to get the most out of your Invisalign treatment

So, you’ve recognised the importance of needing teeth that are in proper alignment and have chosen as your preferred treatment plan Invisalign St John’s Wood. Invisalign St John’s Wood takes the lead in orthodontic appliances as its uniquely designed system succeeds in avoiding challenges patients on orthodontic treatment commonly experience.

Invisalign St John's Wood

Before the arrival of Invisalign St John’s Wood on the dental scene, patients would be restricted by the types of foods they consumed, spend an inordinate length of time fussing over their dental hygiene or worry about what others thought about the fact they were on orthodontic treatment. This is in addition to having to adjust to wearing a foreign appliance in the mouth for months on end.

At Aura Dental, we are well aware of the difficulties patients had to endure when straightening their teeth which is why we are thrilled to offer smart, forward-thinking orthodontic treatment plans to patients, like Invisalign. As remarkable as this teeth-straightening system is, it is still important for patients to be aware of certain guidelines of use when choosing Invisalign to ensure their treatment plan produces optimal results.

Best practice tips when using Invisalign

Commit to wearing aligners for the recommended full 22 hours a day. One of the biggest attractions that Invisalign holds over other types of orthodontic appliances is the fact that these aligners are not permanently affixed to teeth – they can be removed.

While this removable feature is a plus on many fronts (makes eating, drinking and cleaning teeth easier), it is of extreme importance to wear them for the full recommended time of 22 hours each day. Failure to do so puts at great risk the effectiveness of the treatment plan and could possibly delay the entire process.

The aligner interval change schedule should be followed like clockwork. Another great risk to this treatment plan is not following the schedule in changing aligners as directed. Patients choosing this teeth-straightening system should be aware that they would require a greater level of commitment on their part to bring about desirable results. This is because they are required to wear a set of aligners over the course of a predetermined period and not just one set of braces as with traditional methods. Each aligner in the series needs to be worn for just a week or two before needing to be replaced with the next one so keeping to the schedule is paramount to ensure results are achieved on time.

There is always the possibility of discomfort as patients adjust to the teeth-straightening process. This discomfort is of a relatively shorter duration with Invisalign aligners and there are techniques to employ to lessen this discomfort. Generally speaking, patients report that the aligners are more comfortable to wear than alternative options.

Maintaining good oral hygiene is a critical part of the orthodontic process, not only is brushing teeth and flossing as normal a non-negotiable but the aligners need to be cleaned and sterilised carefully too. As aligners are made from intuitive thermoplastic material, it is important not to use chemicals that can damage them. Only recommended cleaning products designed specifically for the aligners should be used as ordinary kinds of toothpaste and mouthwashes can cause harm.

For more info on best practice tips pertinent to Invisalign use or for a professional consultation for orthodontic treatment, please get in touch with us at Aura Dental.

Why you should let a dentist look after your oral health

The oral cavity stands as the point of access to the digestive and respiratory tracts yet few patients really consider the connection between oral health and that of their overall health. This connection is one of the foremost reasons why maintaining optimal oral health should be a topmost priority for patients. This priority is best managed through proactive pro-dental habits like visiting a dentist St John’s Wood for routine professional dental care.


At Aura Dental, our dentist St John’s Wood offers a high standard of patient care backed by a philosophy of patient-centred dentistry. It is this forward-thinking approach that allows for positive patient experiences that is indispensable in helping inspire patients, both young and old, to continue to look after their oral health. Why is oral health so important to achieve and maintain? In this post, we take a look at all those enriching rewards of ensuring one’s teeth and gums are healthy.

The benefits of a dentist St John’s Wood protecting dental health

Just as with other parts of the body, the mouth should also be properly cared for to enjoy the full function of healthy teeth and gums. For as long as you live, you will require your teeth to help your body obtain required nutrition through foods you eat, to talk clearly, to give your face shape and to smile so that you form positive first impressions on others.

It is for all these reasons and more that proper dental care becomes indispensable to live a good quality of life.

Avoid debilitating dental pain and other problems that affect quality of life. The one undesirable event that can easily derail you from daily obligatory tasks like no other is suffering from dental pain and discomfort. When you are in pain, it is exceedingly difficult to eat, talk, work, sleep or play. Not looking after your oral hygiene as recommended by dentists, or avoiding the dental chair altogether, are sure-fire ways, to seeing all sorts of problems develop with teeth and gums –problems that manifest in pain, sensitivity, swelling and discomfort.

Lower the risk of other medical complications. Dental problems do not exist in isolation but are linked to various other chronic medical conditions. Harmful oral microbiome in the mouth can spread throughout the bloodstream and aggravate other medical conditions that affect the heart and lungs: cardiovascular disease, endocarditis, pneumonia and other respiratory infections, osteoporosis and diabetes. Poor oral health has also been linked to some types of cancers, eating disorders, an immune system disorder and arthritis (rheumatoid).

Protecting oral health requires patients to follow a few simple guidelines. At home, brushing and flossing teeth every day using best practice techniques is non-negotiable. Then there is the other non-negotiable which is eating a wholesome diet and making sure you limit the frequent consumption of sugar-rich foods and beverages.

Patients who recognise the absolute necessity of good dental health will make a note of their next dental check-up as attending these appointments is a guaranteed way of knowing that they won’t be caught unawares by poor oral health problems.

Don’t let dental problems get in the way of living your life. Protect the mouth and the rest of your body from bad oral bacteria, schedule your oral health check with our friendly and highly capable dentist at Aura Dental today.

Invisalign in St John’s Wood for a healthier and more beautiful smile

Invisalign St John’s Wood is a modern and revolutionary method of straightening your teeth. The majority of adults suffer from a certain degree of misalignment of their teeth, even those who have undergone an orthodontic treatment when they were younger. Crooked or wonky teeth, overcrowding, small gaps in your teeth, protruding teeth and bite disorders not only impact the aesthetic appearance of your smile, but also affect your oral health. By straightening your teeth you will achieve both a beautiful smile and a healthier mouth. Are you thinking about improving the aesthetics of your teeth? Then visit us at Aura Dental today and book your free consultation with one of our specialist dentists to learn about Invisalign St John’s Wood.


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign St John’s Wood is a modern and revolutionary form of dental brace, a great choice for those who are reluctant to try traditional braces. It is suitable for all ages and can be used in children as young as six and for those with good dental health it can be used much later on in life too. Since the introduction of Invisalign just over two decades ago it has helped successfully treat millions of smiles across the world, promoting better oral health for life. Speak to us at our practice today and learn how Invisalign can help correct your smile too.

Invisalign trays are clear thermoplastic aligners which are individually manufactured using the latest digital technology. They provide precision and accuracy, and are therefore comfortable to wear and produce highly predictive results. They are discreet and convenient and can be taken out of your mouth and replaced as necessary.

Each aligner in the set is designed to be worn for approximately 22 hours of the day for 10 to 14 days depending on your prescription. Then one by one you work your way through the series. You will visit your dentist for regular check-ups after every three or four aligners to assess the progress of the treatment procedure. 

4 types of Invisalign

Here at our surgery we offer four different types of Invisalign aligners depending on your dental requirements. We are pleased to present Invisalign First, which is specially designed for young children from the age of 6 to 10 years old. These are designed to prevent overcrowding by making room for adult teeth and they also help reduce the impact of bite disorders, preventing them from getting worse. Invisalign First helps promote better oral health at a young age and better alignment of adult teeth, reducing the need for extensive orthodontic treatment in the future.

Where major orthodontic treatment is necessary, Invisalign comprehensive is the best choice for you. This treatment normally lasts from 6 to 12 months depending on your dental requirements and the final result that you are aiming for. If you require mild or moderate treatment then you may wish to speak to us about Invisalign Lite or Invisalign Express. Treatment time can be as short as 12 weeks and or up to 6 months depending on your dental requirements. Speak to us today to learn about Invisalign and which method of treatment may be most suitable for you or your child.