Dental implants at your dentist in St John’s Wood

There are many different factors that can affect the way you feel about your smile. Missing teeth is one of the most distressing situations you can find yourself in concerning your dental health. If you have lost a tooth or are missing multiple teeth, then rest assured that dental technology has advanced significantly over the last few decades, and there are plenty of treatment options available for you to replace your missing teeth. You do not have to suffer in silence; speak to our dentist St John’s Wood at Aura Dental today and find out about replacing your missing teeth. Tooth replacement therapy is designed to meet your individual dental requirements and your personal preferences. Tooth replacement can be temporary and removable, or it can be fixed and permanent, depending on what you are looking for.

What are dental implants?

Whether you would like fixed or removable tooth replacement, you’ll need to speak to our dentist St John’s Wood here at Aura Dental to find out about dental implants for replacing your missing teeth. Dental implants are the gold standard in tooth replacement therapy. Dental implants provide a sturdy and permanent foundation for your choice of prosthetic for replacing your missing tooth or teeth.

Dental implants are designed to last you for the rest of your life. They are small titanium components that replace the root of the missing teeth. They can be directly inserted into the bone socket of the missing tooth and initiate a natural healing process known as osseointegration, in which osteoblasts (bone-forming cells) form around the implant, embedding the implant firmly in place. This process can take 3 or 4 months depending on your body’s ability to heal. Unfortunately, it is not suitable for everybody, and those with underlying medical conditions that affect the healing process of their bodies may have to speak to our dentist St John’s Wood and find out about alternative tooth replacement options.

Dental implants for replacing missing teeth

If our dentist decides that dental implants are suitable for you, you will need to undergo the process under careful supervision, and we will examine your teeth every few weeks to make sure that the process is coming along successfully. Once the healing process is complete and the implant has been embedded successfully into your jaw bone, you can choose to have a crown, bridge or set of dentures to replace your missing teeth and restore the appearance and function of your teeth so that you can smile happily and confidently once more.

Dental implants can replace a single tooth, multiple teeth or all of your teeth, depending on your dental requirements. If you visit our dentist on a regular basis, maintain a good dental hygiene routine and refrain from factors that can have a negative impact on your oral health like smoking and other lifestyle choices, then your dental implants will help you enjoy a healthy smile for the rest of your life. Speak to us at Aura Dental today to find out more.

Invisalign for straightening teeth in St John’s Wood

If you have been thinking about improving the appearance of your smile, then you need to speak to us at Aura Dental and find out about the different cosmetic dental procedures that are available for you. Over the past few decades, much research and development have been carried out in the field of cosmetic dentistry. Here at Aura Dental, we are proud to offer you a full range of cosmetic dental treatments and procedures to improve the aesthetics of your smile and promote better dental health at the same time. Visit us at Aura Dental today to find out more as we are dedicated to providing excellence in dental care. When you come to us, you can rest assured that with our award-winning team, your teeth are in safe hands, and we will help you achieve a healthy smile that you can be proud to show off to the world.



Here at Aura Dental, we are proud practitioners of Invisalign

Invisalign St John’s Wood is one of the world’s most popular teeth-straightening systems, and here at Aura Dental, we have helped to correct the smiles of hundreds of patients using Invisalign. By visiting our website, you will be able to read patient reviews and find out for yourself the level of care and service that we provide our patients and how we have helped them on their journey to achieving stunning smiles. Speak to our dentist here at Aura Dental today to find out more about Invisalign St John’s Wood and how we can do the same for you.

Invisalign at Aura Dental

If you visit our website, you can send us a smiling selfie, and we can show you what Invisalign St John’s Wood can do for you. We will invite you in for a smile assessment and examination of your teeth and gums; this will help us further identify the factors that are affecting the appearance of your teeth. The examination also allows us to determine whether it is safe to begin treatment with Invisalign immediately or whether you will require restorative dental treatment before altering the positions of your teeth. Our team will put together an individually tailored treatment plan to help you achieve optimal results at the end of the process. If your teeth or gums need addressing, then this will be done first.

Once your teeth are ready for Invisalign, you will undergo a 3-dimensional scan of your mouth. Here at Aura Dental, we use 3D computer imaging technology known as ClinCheck to plan how your teeth can be moved to the desired positions. Your scan results will be used to create a series of custom-made aligners that can be worn in the mouth to push your teeth into a neatly aligned formation. The treatment process will take between 6 to 12 months, depending on the extent of misalignment that you begin with, and you can visit our dentist as often as necessary to make sure that the process is coming along successfully. Speak to us at Aura Dental today and let us help you achieve a beautiful and healthy smile very soon.

Advantages of teeth straightening with our dentist in St John’s Wood

There has been a surge in demand for teeth-straightening treatments over the last few decades as more and more people are looking into cosmetic dental treatments and want to improve the appearance of their teeth. Here at Aura Dental, we provide a wide range of orthodontic and cosmetic dental treatments for straightening teeth. Depending on your dental requirements and personal preferences, we can help you choose the right treatment.


If you have complex orthodontic issues and your teeth are significantly crooked, overcrowded, overlapping or protruding, then you may wish to speak to our dentist St John’s Wood and find out about traditional orthodontic treatment procedures. If you have minor dental misalignment issues or have already undergone orthodontic treatment when you were younger and would like to improve your smile even further, then you can speak to our team and find out about aligners, which are removable braces for straightening teeth. By examining your teeth, our dentist St John’s Wood will be able to tell you which are the most suitable type of braces for you.

A healthy and happy smile with orthodontic treatment in St John’s Wood

Orthodontic treatments are designed to address the misalignment problems with your teeth and create a neatly aligned smile so that you can enjoy better dental health for life. This is because a crooked smile is more prone to decay and disease. If your teeth are crooked, then there is a greater chance of plaque and bacteria building up in those areas where your brush or floss thread may not be able to reach. By correcting your smile and straightening your teeth, there will be fewer hard-to-reach areas and therefore less growth of bacteria and formation of plaque, promoting a healthier and happier smile than before.

Orthodontic treatment is also designed to improve the appearance of your teeth, promoting self-confidence, a more youthful and healthier appearance and better overall well-being. A healthy and happy smile is very important for overall well-being in general.

Speak to our dentist St John’s Wood and book an appointment at Aura Dental to find out how we can help you improve the appearance of your teeth and enjoy better dental health. You will need to undergo a smile assessment to identify which factors are affecting your teeth. We can carry out a comprehensive examination of your teeth and gums to make sure that it is safe to move your teeth and determine which type of braces will be most suitable to do so. Our dentist can recommend fixed dental braces or removable braces, which are both highly effective at straightening teeth and will help you achieve the smile that you are looking for.

Once you are happy with the alignment of your teeth, you can speak to our dentist here at Aura Dental and find out about other ways to enhance the appearance of your smile further and continue to enjoy good oral health for life. Book an appointment today and begin your journey to a healthy and confident smile very soon.

A hygiene guide for using Invisalign

If you have worn a brace in the past, you will likely remember the drill of keeping them clean.


You would have needed to brush the braces after every meal, use floss and avoid certain foods. This would not only keep the braces clean but would also ensure that your teeth stayed in good condition too.

As an adult, you may be curious about whether the same rules apply when it comes to wearing aligners.

At Aura Dental, we have been working with our patients and invisible aligners like Invisalign St John’s Wood for over 5 years. We know all there is to know about using this aligner and, of course, maintaining good oral health while doing so!

Here, we offer a simplified hygiene guide on how to take care of your teeth and gums while wearing Invisalign St John’s Wood. So, read on and enjoy!

Brush before wearing the aligners

Invisalign St John’s Wood is removable.

It is advised by our team that you remove the aligners before eating or drinking beverages that contain sugar or beverages like tea and coffee.

This does mean that before you put the aligners back in, you will need to brush your teeth. By doing this, you will keep your teeth free from debris and food build-up. Remember, your aligners will be custom-fitted to your teeth, so wearing them without brushing your teeth will result in food being pressed against your teeth and gums. This can increase the likelihood of tooth decay and gum disease. So, invest in a travel-sized toothbrush to take to work, school or university.

Keep the aligners clean

The invisible aligners will also need to be kept clean; this will ensure that they not only stay invisible but also keep your teeth and gums in good condition. Luckily, the aligners are easy to clean; you simply need to rinse them under a cold tap and use a toothbrush to remove any stubborn debris.

Do not rinse them under hot water; this can create an issue with the accurate fitting of the aligner due to warping. Refrain from using mouthwashes too, as these can stain the aligners.


Flossing is essential for good oral health, especially as 40% of each tooth is interdental (or between the teeth).

So, when wearing aligners, be sure to floss when you engage in your daily hygiene routine. You may also want to take floss thread with you to work to floss before you put your aligners back in.

Electric toothbrush

If you use a manual toothbrush and are looking to undertake invisible aligners, then you should consider upgrading to an electric one. This will provide better overall cleaning for your teeth and reduce any complications associated with plaque or bacteria. It will keep your teeth whiter too!

Minimise sugary beverages

You should generally avoid sugary beverages and foods. But when wearing an aligner, eating sugary foods can be more problematic; this is because the aligners block the flow of saliva, which is needed to keep your teeth clean and free from debris. In turn, this can heighten the chances of decay and gum disease. So, for your aligners to do their job and be worn for 22 hours per day, you will need to avoid sugary beverages and foods to keep your teeth in top-notch condition.

Oral cancer signs discussed by our dentist

In medicine, cancer is one of the scariest diagnoses that you can receive.


Luckily, technologies and screening have advanced in recent years across all areas of medicine. So, nowadays it is easier for clinicians to spot the early warning signs of cancer at checkups.

Oral cancer screening is one of the reasons why it is so important to see our dentist St John’s Wood regularly. We can check your mouth, inner cheeks and tongue for any suspicious lumps or patches of skin and refer you to a specialist if necessary.

Here are some of the indicators that you may have oral cancer and need to see our dentist St John’s Wood for an emergency checkup.


Most people have had oral ulcers at one time or another, especially when they are ill or stressed.

But recurring ulcers in the same part of the mouth can highlight an issue that our dentist St John’s Wood will need to examine. If you have ulcers that keep occurring in the same place, are bleeding, have a yellow pigment or are larger than a 5 pence piece, then you need to see our team promptly.

Difficulty swallowing

Difficulty swallowing food can be an indicator that you have an issue such as gastrointestinal reflux disease or GERD. But it can also be an indicator of oral cancer as it can point to growths in your throat or at the back of your mouth.

If you have continuous issues with swallowing your food, then you need to see our team to have your mouth explored.

Lumps and bumps

Lumps and bumps in or around the mouth are typically benign.

However, if you notice that you have a lump or suspicious bump that has started to grow and cause discomfort, then you will need to see our team urgently.

While these things are rarely signs of oral cancer, they can be a clear symptom. So, even if your swelling is not causing discomfort, it needs to be examined before it begins to obstruct your airway.

Weight loss

Unexplained and unexpected weight loss should always be investigated by your doctor and, if necessary, a member of our team.

While it may not point to oral cancer directly, there is a link between having oral cancer and losing weight. This is because the body is diverting resources from the fat cells in your body to fight the tumour.

So, if you jumped on the scales and are shocked by your weight loss, you need to seek urgent medical care. Call our team if you have weight loss combined with any of the other symptoms on this list.

Healing issues in mouth

When you have a tooth extracted, it should heal within 2 weeks. However, if it takes longer than this without a diagnosed illness, it can be a sign that there needs to be an investigation. Oral cancer can cause delays in healing in the mouth and surrounding tissues. So, if there are delays with healing in your mouth or on your lips, then you need to see our team as soon as possible.

Queries about Invisalign answered by our team

Do you want a straighter smile as an adult? Without the hassle of wearing a fitted brace? Well, you’re in luck!


In modern orthodontics, many dental teams can offer their patients invisible or clear aligners to straighten their smiles, and our team at Aura Dental is no exception.

At Aura Dental, we are extremely proud to offer our patients Invisalign St John’s Wood. This invisible aligner can move your teeth with discretion and ease, allowing you to get the straighter smile you have always wanted.

Here, some common questions that patients have about Invisalign St John’s Wood are answered so that you can learn more about this treatment. Enjoy!

Do invisible aligners hurt?

It is an unfortunate truth that there is no such thing as a comfortable orthodontic tool.

After all, they have to move your teeth! But many patients note that when wearing Invisalign St John’s Wood, the discomfort is not as extensive as they initially thought.

This is because invisible aligners use a different system to the fitted orthodontic options. A fitted brace will need to be tightened and adjusted regularly to move the teeth. Invisible aligners have the movements built into each aligner. So, the movement is stored in the shape of the aligner; this makes them more manageable in daily life and reduces the amount of time you will spend with our team.

Are they expensive?

No, they are not.

If you were given a final amount for your treatment to pay in full, then yes, it would be pricey. But our team at Aura Dental can offer patients financing options. This is subject to suitability but will allow you to spread the cost of your invisible aligner treatment into smaller monthly payments. So, you can get the straighter smile you want without the hassle of worrying about budgeting.

What can they treat?

Invisible aligners were originally designed to treat mild or moderate misalignments of the front teeth.

As technologies have advanced, they are now able to treat more complicated cases of dental misalignments. So, if you have concerns that you won’t be suitable for invisible aligners, you should still contact our team for an assessment as they may well be able to alter your smile for the better.

Do you need to wear the aligners all the time?

No, but you will need to wear them for a minimum of 22 hours per day to see the advantages that they can provide.

If you fail to wear them for this period each day, your teeth will likely stop moving or, even worse, they may revert to their former positions; this is known as reversion. So, if you want a straighter smile in a shorter period, keep the aligners in!

How long does the treatment take?

For most people, the treatment with invisible aligners takes between 3 and 6 months to straighten their teeth.

However, your time wearing the aligners may vary based on the severity of the misalignment being treated and, of course, whether you adhere to wearing the aligners as required by our team.

If you would like more advice on how long your treatment with invisible aligners may take, please call our team to set up an appointment.

Child dentistry myths debunked by our dentist

Children are naturally not fond of dental chairs or appointments so, many parents believe that it won’t do any harm to skip a couple of checkups. And there are plenty of myths out there that support this reasoning relating to childhood dental care.


Our team at Aura Dental believes that prevention is better than cure, and our dentist St John’s Wood is always eager to see younger patients to ensure that their teeth and gums are healthy.

Here, our dentist St John’s Wood debunks some of the most common myths that surround children’s dentistry so that you can be better equipped to help your kids get on the path to better oral health.

Myth 1 – Baby teeth aren’t important

This is one of the most common myths that, frankly, drives our dentist St John’s Wood, a bit mad!

Baby teeth are important for many reasons. They help your child to speak and eat correctly. They also allow your child to develop their tongue muscles, so they are less likely to develop a speech impediment. And finally, baby teeth are important because they act as place markers for adult teeth. If they are removed too early due to decay, this can cause the adult teeth to erupt in a crooked position. So, take care of your children’s baby teeth!

Myth 2 – Dummies or pacifiers can cause issues with alignment

Babies and toddlers suck their thumbs or pacifiers as a form of self-soothing behaviour. Prenatal scans have even found that babies suck their fingers and thumbs in the womb. In short, it is normal behaviour that calms them down when they are stressed.

Dental research has found that sucking on dummies, pacifiers or thumbs does not equate to misaligned teeth, provided that this behaviour does not continue past the age of 4; most children naturally stop this habit between the ages of 2 and 4. If your child continues to suck their thumb past this age, you should contact our team for advice.

Myth 3 – Children don’t need a fluoride toothpaste

Tooth decay can occur when the first of your child’s teeth erupt. So, it is best to invest in an age-appropriate fluoride toothpaste to prevent those newly erupting teeth from cavities.

For children under the age of 3, use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste and an electric toothbrush; this will prevent them from swallowing the toothpaste and help to get the best clean.

Myth 4 – Only sugar causes cavities

It is something of gospel truth in dentistry that sugar causes cavities.

But starchy, high-carbohydrate foods like crackers, bread and chips can also increase the chance of cavities developing. So, to keep your child’s teeth healthy, remind them to brush and floss them every day.

Myth 5 – Chewing gum can create cavities

Chewing sugar-free gum can be beneficial for your children’s teeth. It helps to increase saliva production, which reduces the likelihood of plaque and debris affixing to your child’s teeth, hence, reducing cavities. It can also help to remove debris simply by being sticky, so, provided that it is sugar-free, let them chew away!

Invisalign in St John’s Wood for a beautiful healthy smile

A straight and symmetrical smile is not only attractive to look at, but it is also important for enjoying robust teeth and gums and optimal dental health. Unfortunately most of us suffer from certain issues which affect the appearance of our smile. You may have crooked or wonky teeth, gaps in your teeth or overcrowded teeth, protruding front teeth or overlapping teeth. Your teeth may not fit together correctly and you may suffer from an overbite, underbite or crossbite. These issues affect the appearance of your smile. They also affect your dental health and can result in significant complications as you get older.


With young teenagers it is highly recommended that these things are addressed early, to prevent dental complications later on in life when they become adults. If you were unable to undergo orthodontic treatment when you were younger then you are not alone. Thanks to advances in dental technology there are plenty of treatment options available for adults to address the misalignment issues of their teeth. Whenever you decide to undergo teeth straightening you will not only achieve a more beautiful smile, but you will also be promoting better dental health at the same time.

The growing popularity of Invisalign

Speak to us at Aura Dental to find out about Invisalign St John’s Wood. Invisalign St John’s Wood is a highly popular and modern form of orthodontic treatment which allows you to transform your smile comfortably and conveniently at your discretion with invisible, removable aligners. In just over two decades this method of treatment has helped correct millions of smiles across the world and continues to do so on a daily basis. Adults across the world who were reluctant to undergo teeth straightening have happily chosen Invisalign St. John’s Wood to correct the aesthetic problems of their teeth. To find out more you need to book an appointment with us and undergo a smile assessment so we can let you know how Invisalign St. John’s Wood can help improve the appearance and health of your smile. We will also carry out an examination of your teeth and gums to make sure that orthodontic treatment is safe for you. Any dental conditions will be addressed using our range of restorative dental treatments and procedures, to help boost your dental health and improve your overall wellbeing at the same time.

Once our dentist is happy that Invisalign in St John’s Wood is suitable for you, you will need to undergo a special 3-dimensional scan to help us put together an accurate prediction of how your teeth will look following the treatment. This scan is carried out using the latest of iTero technology and is non-invasive without the need for any messy or uncomfortable impression taking. A series of Invisalign aligners will be individually manufactured according to your scan results and this makes sure that they fit your mouth with accuracy and precision, helping to achieve excellent aesthetic results. To find out more about Invisalign, speak to us at our practice today and learn more about the process and how it can help you achieve a happy and healthy smile very soon.

Smile makeovers at your dentist in St John’s Wood

Despite having a good dental hygiene routine and visiting the dentist on a regular basis some of us are still unhappy with the appearance of our smiles. Thanks to advances in dental technology there is now a range of cosmetic dental treatments available at our dentist St John’s Wood to help address the individual issues which affect your smile. Each smile is unique and therefore we are happy to be able to present you with many different treatment options for addressing your individual dental requirements and your personal preferences.


Cosmetic dentistry continues to grow in popularity and with much research and development being carried out in this field, cosmetic dental techniques have become more effective, more convenient and more discreet than ever before.

Here at Aura Dental you need to visit our dentist St John’s Wood for a smile assessment and an examination of your teeth and gums, to talk about the aesthetic issues which are affecting their appearance. Learn how these can be addressed to help you achieve a more beautiful smile and promote better dental health.

How do smile makeovers work?

If you have multiple factors which are affecting the appearance and health of your teeth then here at our practice our dentist St John’s Wood can put together an individually tailored treatment plan or smile makeover for you. Smile makeovers can either be made up of a group of cosmetic dental treatments and procedures which will help to correct the aesthetic issues which are affecting the appearance of your smile, or you may opt for a standalone procedure which transforms your smile completely. Our dentist St. John’s Wood will use the results from the smile assessment and the examination of your teeth and gums to decide which treatments are safe and suitable for you.

Before you undergo a smile makeover we will address any dental conditions that you may have using our range of restorative treatments and procedures. We may begin with a hygienist appointment to make sure that your teeth are free of plaque and tartar. Not only will this clean your teeth, but it will also help improve their appearance before any cosmetic treatments have even begun.

Teeth straightening

Most people suffer from a certain degree of misalignment with their teeth. We have a range of orthodontic treatment options to help correct the alignment of your teeth for a straight and symmetrical smile. Not only will this improve the appearance of your smile, but it will have a significant positive impact on your overall oral health. Depending on the extent of misalignment that you begin with it may take as little as 4 weeks or up to 18 months to help correct the alignment of your teeth. However, once you have done so, using the help of a retainer, you will be able to maintain a neatly aligned smile for life. Once this is complete you can talk about further cosmetic dental treatments to enhance the appearance of your smile. Speak to our dentist today and find out more.

Invisalign – a modern alternative to traditional orthodontic treatment

Orthodontics is a field of dentistry which is concerned with correcting misalignment issues of the teeth to create a neatly aligned smile. Orthodontic treatment is carried out to help improve the appearance of a smile, but more importantly to prevent the development of complicated dental conditions and promote better dental health. Misaligned, wonky teeth have plenty of hard-to-reach areas in which bacteria and food particles linger, resulting in the formation of plaque and tartar. Despite good brushing and flossing techniques, plaque and tartar will continue to develop in your mouth and result in a wide array of dental issues.


If you have a crooked or wonky smile then you have a greater chance of developing tooth decay or gum disease. If left untreated, this can cause irreversible damage and eventually result in tooth loss. It is important that you visit your dentist on a regular basis and undergo professional cleaning with your hygienist to remove plaque and tartar from your mouth and promote healthy teeth and gums. Thanks to advances in dentistry and orthodontic treatment, it is now easier and more convenient than ever before to address the misalignment issues of your teeth. Speak to us at Aura Dental today to find out about Invisalign St John’s Wood.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign St John’s Wood is a discreet, convenient and a highly effective method of teeth straightening which has become increasingly popular amongst patients and dentists alike. It is a cosmetic and orthodontic dental treatment which helps improve the appearance of your smile and promotes healthier teeth and gums for better wellbeing. Invisalign St John’s Wood works using a series of thermoplastic clear aligners which are almost invisible when worn in the mouth. This is a popular alternative to traditional orthodontic braces, thanks to its discretion and the idea that aligners are more comfortable in the mouth than braces consisting of metal wires and brackets.

Invisalign St John’s Wood takes a similar amount of time as traditional orthodontic braces to alleviate the misalignment issues of your teeth, but this will vary from patient to patient depending on the extent of misalignment to begin with. Invisalign may be more expensive than traditional orthodontic prices, however, we can talk about payment plans to help make sure the treatment is affordable for you.

You will need to undergo a smile assessment and examination of your teeth with one of our specialist Invisalign dentists before you begin the process. A series of aligners will be manufactured for you according to 3D scans of your mouth and an individualised, tailored treatment plan. Each aligner in the series is worn for approximately two weeks until you move onto the next aligner and they need to be in the mouth for approximately 22 hours of the day to help you achieve successful results. It is important that you carefully adhere to the protocol to achieve the outcome that you are looking for. Speak to us at the practice today to find out more about Invisalign and how it can correct the appearance of your smile and help you maintain healthy teeth and gums for life.