Aura Dental: come and meet our award finalist dentist St John’s Wood!

If you could go to any dentist in the world, why not make it an award-nominated one? At Aural Dental, our dentist St John’s Wood has been nominated for several awards over the last few years in the Dentistry Awards and the Private Dentistry Awards. This is due to the high standards of care we pride ourselves on providing, alongside our experience and expertise that is delivered to every patient. With a wide range of treatments for the whole family, choosing Aura Dental should mean you won’t need to go anywhere else in the future. We treat children and the elderly, and we care about each person as an individual, not just their teeth! Some of the most popular treatments we offer are discreet solutions for realigning your smile, and one of those treatments is Invisalign.


Tell me more about Invisalign!

If you have mild to moderate alignment issues such as crossbites, overbites, underbites or gapped or crowded teeth, you may be interested to learn that there is a way you can realign your smile, and nobody, except you and our dentist St John’s Wood, needs to know about it. Invisalign is a system that involves transparent aligners that sit over the teeth, so only the teeth can be seen. The aligners push the teeth, and over time, they will move into the correct positions. The aligners need to be changed on a weekly basis, and we will give you enough aligners for six weeks between your checkup appointments.

Bespoke treatment

The beauty of Invisalign is not just the fact that it is a discreet way to get your teeth realigned, but also that the aligners can be precisely custom-made for your teeth. At Aura Dental, we use iTero technology to digitally scan your mouth and obtain its measurements in order to have your aligners manufactured precisely for you. Alongside this, before you have started wearing your aligners, we can generate a 3D animation to show you what your teeth will look like after the treatment is completed. The treatment is completely tailored to you and you alone.


Another aspect of Invisalign’s treatment that you should love is the fact that you can remove your aligners for up to 2 hours a day. This means that you won’t need to worry about brushing and flossing with anything in the way, and you can continue to eat normally as you won’t have to wear your aligners during mealtimes. There will be no need to avoid certain foods, such as crunchy apples or chewy toffee – just remember to brush and floss afterwards! Of course, you will still have time left to keep your aligners out while you play a sport, bake a cake or do the rumba – the choice is yours!

Initial consultation

If you would like to know more about how we can help, book an initial consultation with our friendly and professional dentist St John’s Wood here at Aura Dental. We understand that you will want to tell us your concerns about your smile, and we want to listen, examine your mouth and let you know the treatment options available, so you can choose what’s right for you. Whether you require Invisalign or another treatment, we are here for you, ready to give you the excellent care that has been taking us to the Dentistry Award finals!

Daily wear of Invisalign explained

It is a great feeling when you attend a consultation to straighten your teeth as an adult and are told that your misalignment is minor enough to warrant the use of an invisible aligner rather than a fitted metal brace.


Invisible aligners have somewhat taken the adult orthodontic world by storm and are now one of the most popular treatment options available. If you are deemed suitable for wearing one of these aligners, you will need to know that it is unfortunately not all plain sailing. You will have a lot of responsibilities to ensure that the treatment goes as planned

At Aura Dental, we are always eager to meet with adult patients who want to straighten their teeth and will usually recommend the use of the world-famous aligner, Invisalign St John’s Wood. This aligner is easy to wear and can be accommodated into a busy work schedule, with few appointments and no trips to have it altered or tightened.

But what is involved in the daily wear of Invisalign St John’s Wood, and what will you be responsible for?


First, you must note that Invisalign St John’s Wood is a plastic aligner that can slot over your teeth like an invisible sports guard. It is made from clear plastic, which is durable but not immune to excessive heat or pressure. So when you clean your aligner, be sure to rinse it under cold water and use a toothbrush to remove any tough staining. Do not attempt to put the aligner in the dishwasher or rinse it under hot water, as this can cause it to warp out of shape.


As this aligner is removable, you may need to take it out when you are out and about. If you’re about to eat lunch with friends or want to remove the aligner to give a presentation, store it in the carry case provided. Once again, simply tossing the aligner into a pocket or bag can cause it to come into contact with hot objects or bend out of shape.


Our team usually advises wearing the aligners for around 22 hours a day. If you do not stick to this plan, your teeth may revert to their original positions or the realignment process may slow or stop altogether. If you are having difficulty wearing your aligners for the required time, talk to our team, and we may be able to suggest a clear fitted brace instead.

Lost aligners

When you lose one of these aligners, it can be tempting to simply move on to the next one in the series. But this is wrought with issues since even though the aligners may all look similar, they each represent a step in the process. So, if you lose an aligner, be sure to contact our team, and we will be able to have a replacement made for you as soon as possible.


This is not so much a daily consideration but more of a weekly one. When you have an invisible aligner in your mouth, you will usually need to send our team weekly updates using the associated app, which can be downloaded on smartphones. These updates minimise the need for you to come into the surgery and allow our team to track the progress the aligner is making.

Reasons to attend your check-ups with our dentist

Most people are familiar with the routine. You are going about your day and get a beep on your phone reminding you that it is time to attend your bi-annual checkup with your dental team. If you are like most people, you will already be thinking of a way to get out of this or push it back as much as possible. For some people, there are few things in life more unnerving than getting into the dental chair, and for others, this idea is simply too much to handle.


However, for your physical and general dental health, it is essential to attend dental checkups every six months or as often as needed. But if you are at high risk of decay or other ailments, it may be once every three months.

Our team at Aura Dental is always happy to welcome new patients to see our dentist St John’s Wood and eager to highlight the importance of regular dental checkups. They may not be fun or may seem like an inconvenience, but these 10-minute appointments can actually save your life.

So what are some reasons to attend checkups with our dentist St John’s Wood as often as possible?

Checking on restoratives

If you have ever had a filling or a crown fitted, then it is essential that you visit our dentist St John’s Wood as often as needed or as set down in your treatment plan. This is because restoratives like crowns and fillings can and do come loose, and patients are unlikely to notice this. But our team will be able to spot signs of minor decay around these restoratives, indicating that they have come loose; this can save you a literal pain in the tooth and ensure that your smile stays intact.

Gum health

Most people assume that the loss of a tooth in adult life is due to decay, but in actuality, it is usually linked to gum health. One of the advantages of regularly attending checkups with our team is that we will assess the condition of your gums and whether there are signs of gum disease. Moreover, we can prescribe medicated mouthwashes or toothpaste and provide you with a scale-and-polish.

Oral cancer screening

Oral cancer is one of the easiest cancers to identify and treat if caught early enough, and an oral cancer screening is something our team can offer when you attend checkups. It is more important to proceed with these screenings if there is a history of oral cancer in your family or if you are a smoker or heavy drinker, as these push the risks of this condition up.

Plaque and tartar removal

Excessive levels of plaque and tartar have been linked to higher levels of decay and gum disease. And if you find it hard to remove plaque in a part of your mouth, attending checkups will enable our team to do this for you to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

General health

There is a wealth of research suggesting that higher levels of plaque in the mouth are linked to cardiovascular diseases, cancers and strokes. So, by attending checkups with our team and having plaque routinely removed, you may actually be prolonging or saving your own life.

The treatment process for Invisalign St John’s Wood

If you are now ready to straighten your teeth as an adult, 2022 is probably the perfect time to do so. Over the last 10 years in adult orthodontic care, there has been something of an overhaul, and now, adult patients can get the straighter smiles they want without needing to use metal braces. In fact, metal braces are now only used to treat severe or complex cases of dental misalignment.


If you attend a checkup with our team today, you are more likely to be offered a clear or invisible brace, also known as an aligner, but this will depend on the severity of the dental misalignment being corrected.

At Aura Dental, we are always happy to meet with adult patients who want to straighten their teeth, and we are eager to offer the use of Invisalign St John’s Wood. This is a clear aligner that can slot over your teeth, and as it is custom fitted, it has changed the face of adult orthodontic care and is one of the most popular and successful aligners that you can have.

How do we determine whether you’re suitable? In this short guide, you will be introduced to a basic breakdown of what is involved when it comes to using Invisalign St John’s Wood.


Firstly, our team needs to assess whether you are suitable, and this will take place at the initial consultation. During this, we will assess the severity of the misalignment of your teeth, check your dental health for signs of cavities and gum disease and then determine whether Invisalign St John’s Wood will be beneficial to correcting your misalignment.

If we deem it to be suitable, then we will take an intraoral scan of your teeth, the results of which will be sent to a dental laboratory.

Aligners arrive!

What’s interesting about invisible aligners is that they can be printed using a specialised 3D printer. So, with the intraoral scan that is sent, a dental team will then upload the scan to digital software and move your digital teeth into the desired positions in a set of stages. Once this has been broken down into about 12 or 14 steps, the aligners will be printed to custom fit your teeth at each stage. The process of printing the aligners can take 6 to 8 weeks, and when they arrive back at our surgery, we will call you for an assessment to ensure that they fit.

Daily wear

Unless otherwise specified, you need to wear your aligners for 22 hours a day. If you do not, the realignment process may slow, or your teeth may revert to their former positions. To keep your aligners clean, simply rinse them under a cold water tap and avoid putting them in hot or warm water as this may cause them to warp.

The app

Invisalign comes with an associated app, which can be downloaded on smartphones. The app will allow you to send weekly photographs to our team so that we can assess whether the aligners are working as predicted. If there is a severe issue with the treatment, we will call you into the surgery, but generally, you will not need to see your team very often.


Once the treatment is over (which will take an average of 3 to 6 months), you will need to wear a custom-fitted retainer; this will hold your teeth in their new positions and prevent reversion.

Reasons to see a same-day dentist at Aura Dental

If you were to ask the majority of people what they attributed to a dental emergency, most of them would say discomfort.


And it is true that in most emergency dental departments, the main reason patients attend is soreness or discomfort under one of their teeth due to the formation of an abscess or even an impacted tooth.

However, you may not be aware that there are many typically non-painful issues that can occur in your mouth that will require same-day treatment from an emergency team.

At Aura Dental, we are exceedingly proud of our emergency dentist St John’s Wood, who can offer our patients same-day appointments. We set aside appointments every day for dental emergencies, so you can rest assured that when you come to us with an emergency issue, we will see you immediately. Great stuff!

So, what are some less uncomfortable dental presentations that require a same-day trip to see our dentist St John’s Wood? Read on to find out!


Many people have had an ulcer on their inner lip, tongue or gums when they have been ill or under stress.

However, why would you need to see our emergency dentist St John’s Wood for a dental ulcer? Well, if the ulcer is larger than a 5 pence piece, persistently bleeding or recurring in the same part of your mouth every month or so, then this can be an early indicator of oral cancer. So, if you suffer from any of these symptoms, contact our team as soon as possible.

Cracks and chips

A crack or chip in your teeth is unlikely to cause discomfort unless it is severe. But this is one of those conditions that you will need to see our same-day dental team about and have repaired. If left untreated, cracks or chips can attract bacteria to the area, forming cavities and abscesses. So, rather than waiting for that very unpleasant situation, get it dealt with as soon as possible.


There are a few things more unnerving than brushing your teeth and finding a lump or bump. And while in most cases, these are harmless and may be a sign of mild gingivitis, if they are persistent or growing excessively quickly, then you need to see a same-day dental team to have it assessed. As mentioned earlier, lumps and bumps in the mouth are usually harmless, but just in case there is an underlying concern, such as a history of oral cancer, you need to see our team.

Loose teeth

Loose teeth very rarely occur on their own unless there has been blunt force trauma to the face. However, if you have had severe gingivitis for some time and are now noticing loose teeth, this will need to be assessed. Depending on the health of the gums and any surrounding teeth, we may be able to splint this tooth in place.

Detached brace

Not so much of an emergency as you may think, but a detached brace or where a bracket has come away from a tooth does in fact constitute a dental emergency. This is because it can slow down orthodontic treatment and may actually cut the inside of your mouth or tongue, depending on where the brace is located. So, if your braces are loose, you need to see our team.

The advantages of a neatly aligned smile

Everyone would like a neatly aligned smile. If you would like to correct the alignment of your teeth then you need to speak to us at Aura Dental and find out how Invisalign St John’s Wood can help you. Invisalign St John’s Wood is ideal for those who suffer from minor or moderate misalignment issues of their teeth and who are looking for a discreet treatment option to help correct this. Invisalign St John’s Wood works on protruding front teeth, wonky teeth, overlapping teeth, crooked teeth and minor gaps in the teeth. It can also be used in the correction of bite disorders including overbite, crossbite and underbite. These issues not only affect the appearance of your teeth and smile, but they are also detrimental to your oral health. This means that if you undergo Invisalign treatment not only will you improve the appearance of your smile, but you will also improve your dental health, helping to prevent dental problems in the future. A neatly aligned smile is much easier to maintain than crooked or wonky teeth. There are significantly less hard-to-reach areas in which plaque or bacteria can build up in your mouth and therefore less chance of conditions such as cavities, tooth decay or gum disease. Teeth that are nearly aligned can be brushed more efficiently and floss can reach in between all your teeth to prevent the formation of plaque and tartar. A neatly aligned smile is also a key attraction factor and can help improve your confidence and mental wellbeing. Speak to us to find out how Invisalign St John’s Wood can have a beneficial impact on all aspects of your life.


How does Invisalign work?

Here at the practice you will begin by undergoing a smile assessment and an examination of your teeth and gums. We will identify the factors that are affecting the alignment of your teeth and we will also assess your dental health to make sure that it is safe for you to undergo orthodontic treatment. When you are ready  to undergo teeth straightening with Invisalign we will carry out an X-ray and intraoral scan of your mouth to help us create a digital model of your teeth. We will use the Invisalign software to put together an individually tailored treatment plan, and design and manufacture a series of Invisalign aligners which will be used to correct the misalignment issues of your teeth. The aligners are made of clear, bpa-free thermoplastic and they are comfortable to wear, discreet in the mouth and convenient to use. You will have our advice and guidance throughout the process, but you are able to change the aligners in the comfort of your own home and achieve a beautiful smile without drawing further attention to your teeth whilst you do so. Invisalign is suitable for teenagers and adults at any stage of life, we are also able to offer payment plans to suit your budget, so visit our website or speak to us at the practice today to find out more about teeth straightening with this system.

Braces to suit your dental needs and personal preferences in St John’s Wood

Orthodontic treatment has advanced significantly over the last few decades and here at Aura Dental we are proud to present a range of different types of braces to help you address the misalignment issues of your teeth with our dentist in St John’s Wood. There are many different factors which can affect the alignment of your teeth and not only do these have a negative impact on the appearance of your smile, but they can also affect your dental health. It is important to undergo orthodontic treatment to improve the aesthetic issues of your smile, however, it also helps promote healthy teeth and gums for life. Speak to our dentist St John’s Wood and book a smile assessment so that we can identify the problems that are affecting your teeth and choose the right type of braces to help address your dental needs.


Different braces are designed for different dental requirements and personal preferences. Traditional orthodontic braces are used in teenagers and patients with complicated orthodontic issues. Traditional braces consist of metal wires and brackets which work together to pull your teeth into a neater formation over an extended period of time for excellent aesthetic results and healthier teeth for life. Traditional orthodontic braces are the most efficient at teeth straightening, therefore, research and design have led to the development of variations of traditional braces which are more appealing for prospective patients.

Many patients are reluctant to undergo traditional orthodontic treatment because these braces are highly visible in the mouth. If you would like to straighten your teeth without drawing further attention to your mouth, but you have a complicated orthodontic condition then you can speak to our dentist St John’s Wood and find out about lingual braces.

Lingual braces work in the same way as traditional metal brackets and wires, but these are attached to the back surface of your teeth, which means they are almost invisible in your mouth. This is a popular solution for those with extensive dental misalignment, but who are uncomfortable with the appearance of traditional braces being fixed to the front surface of their teeth. Clear braces are another variation on traditional orthodontic braces, where the components are designed to be almost invisible or to match with your natural dentition, to again help avoid drawing further attention to your mouth.

Six Month Smiles

Here, at Aura Dental, if you have mild or moderate misalignment issues of the teeth, or are only concerned with the alignment of your front teeth, then you may wish to speak to our dentist St John’s Wood and find out about Six Month Smiles. This treatment is very similar to clear braces in that the brackets are transparent and the wires are coloured to match your teeth, however, Six Month Smiles are designed to help you achieve results within 6 months. The reduced treatment time makes this a popular alternative to traditional orthodontics. Speak to us today and, after undergoing an assessment and examination of your teeth and gums, together we can decide which is the best treatment option for you and find out how orthodontic treatment will help you enjoy a happy healthy smile for life.

Improving the appearance and health of your teeth

If you are unhappy about the appearance of your teeth, then you need to speak to us at Aura Dental. You can find out about the different teeth straightening options that we have on offer to help address the aesthetic issues that are affecting your smile. There are many different factors which may affect the appearance and health of your teeth and smile. Dental misalignment is very common and even those who have undergone orthodontic treatment when they were younger can still suffer from a certain extent of unevenness which can affect the way they feel about their smile. Thanks to advances in dental technology there are a range of different orthodontic treatment options available to help you address these problems. Here at the practice we are passionate about helping you achieve a smile that you are keen to look after and proud to show off. We want you to contact us and find out how we can help you improve the appearance of your teeth so that you can take pride in your smile. If you are proud of your smile you will be encouraged to take better care of your teeth including maintaining better dental hygiene and visit the dentist on a regular basis, helping you to enjoy healthy teeth and gums and a happier smile. Speak to us today to find out more.


Invisalign and how it can help

Orthodontic treatment is now easier and more accessible than ever before. Speak to us at the surgery and find out about Invisalign St John’s Wood. Invisalign St John’s Wood is the ideal treatment option for those who have minor or moderate orthodontic issues. If you have protruding front teeth, crooked teeth, overlapping teeth, or minor gaps in your teeth then Invisalign St John’s Wood could be the perfect choice of treatment for you.

Invisalign St John’s Wood works more successfully on the front teeth than the molars and because it is designed for mild to moderate dental conditions you can achieve results in a much shorter time period than with traditional orthodontic treatment. On average, Invisalign can help correct the misalignment issues of your teeth within 6 to 12 months. It is suitable for patients of all ages. You can speak to the dentist and find out about Invisalign for your children or for yourself later on in life if you are looking to perfect your teeth.

Invisalign is a highly popular choice of teeth straightening device amongst dentists and patients alike. It has been used all across the world and has helped correct 12 million smiles already. It continues to be the most popular teeth straightening method for mild to moderate misalignment of the teeth. Speak to us at the practice and let us book you in for a smile assessment, so we can identify the issues that are affecting your teeth and put together an individually tailored treatment plan, using Invisalign to help you achieve a smile that you can be proud to show off to the world.

A smile makeover with our dentist in St John’s Wood

A smile makeover is designed to help address all the issues that may be affecting the aesthetics of your mouth and transform your smile completely. If you are unhappy with the look of your teeth, visit our website and find out what our dentist St John’s Wood can do for you. Here at Aura Dental, we provide the full range of cosmetic dental treatments, and our dentist St John’s Wood can put together a bespoke smile makeover for you. Either we can create a treatment plan using different techniques and procedures that address your issues individually, or we can address all your issues using certain invasive procedures depending on your dental requirements and what you would prefer.


The appearance of your teeth may be affected by your dental health, in which case, our dentist will first carry out restorative dental treatment and address the issues affecting your mouth. Poor oral health is a major cause of many aesthetic issues that can have a detrimental impact on the appearance of your teeth, and you will find that addressing these issues will help to improve the appearance of your mouth significantly. Here at Aura Dental, we can offer a full range of restorative dental treatments, and you will undergo a thorough examination of your teeth and gums so that our dentist St John’s Wood can put together a treatment plan that is suitable for you.

Teeth straightening

Once our dentist is certain that your teeth are clean and healthy and that your gums are free of disease, we can put together a cosmetic dental treatment plan for you. Misaligned teeth are a common issue that may affect the appearance of your smile. Here at Aura Dental, we have different teeth straightening treatment options, and these will depend on the extent of misalignment that you suffer from and your personal preferences. You may choose to have traditional orthodontic braces for extensive orthodontic issues, or if you are looking to address slightly crooked teeth, then you can undergo cosmetic orthodontic treatment.

Teeth staining

Other common issues that can affect the appearance of your teeth include stained teeth. Here at Aura Dental, we offer teeth whitening procedures that you can carry out either at home or at the dental practice under the guidance of our dentist. We also offer composite bonding to disguise the imperfections affecting the front surface of your teeth.

Transforming your smile completely

If you are looking for a more dramatic transformation, you can speak to us and find out about veneers. Finally, if you are affected by irreversible damage to your teeth, then you may need to undergo a tooth extraction, or you may wish to replace your teeth. In this case, we can carry out permanent tooth replacement for you using dental implants here at Aura Dental. Book an appointment with our dental team at Aura Dental today, and let us assess your teeth so that you can begin your journey to achieving a happy and healthy smile for life.

Invisalign for a beautiful smile in St John’s Wood

Invisalign is a modern and revolutionary method of straightening teeth that has quickly become one of the world’s most popular cosmetic orthodontic treatments. First introduced in 1999, Invisalign St John’s Wood has helped correct 12 million smiles across the world. Here at Aura Dental, we are proud practitioners of Invisalign St John’s Wood, and we would like to invite you to find out for yourself what Invisalign St John’s Wood can do to help improve the appearance of your smile.


How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign works using a series of clear thermoplastic aligners that can be individually tailored to fit your teeth and provide gradual pressure to push them into a neater formation. Invisalign can be used to correct dental misalignment issues such as protruding front teeth, small gaps in between the teeth, crooked teeth, overlapping teeth and overcrowded teeth. If these issues are minor, then Invisalign is the most suitable choice of treatment for you. However, if your misalignment issues are more complex, you can speak to our team here at Aura Dental, and we will provide you with a range of other treatment options that will be better suited to address your dental needs.

Book a smile assessment with our dentists in St John’s Wood today to find out more about Invisalign and other cosmetic dental treatments that are available for straightening teeth. Let us identify the factors that are affecting the appearance of your teeth, and we will help you decide which treatment option is the most suitable for you.

After having a thorough examination of your teeth and gums to make sure that orthodontic treatment is a safe option, you can discuss with our dentist what you are looking for from cosmetic dental treatment or Invisalign in particular. If our dentist is certain that Invisalign is suitable for you, then we will explain the process in more detail. You will need to undergo a three-dimensional scan of your teeth to begin the process. The scan results will be used to put together a tailored treatment plan of how Invisalign aligners will change the position of your teeth.

A digital image of your mouth will be created, which can be manipulated to show you the end result. The scan results will be used to show you how long the process will take, including how many aligners you will need. If you are happy with the prediction, then the scan results will also be used to create a series of aligners that are designed to fit your mouth for comfort and highly accurate results.

Speak to us at Aura Dental today to find out more about the advantages of undergoing treatment with Invisalign in St John’s Wood. Learn how you can improve the appearance of your smile while also promoting better dental health at the same time by straightening your teeth with Invisalign aligners. Find out why this treatment continues to grow in popularity and how it has become a favourite amongst dentists and patients for straightening teeth.