Oral cancer signs discussed by our dentist

In medicine, cancer is one of the scariest diagnoses that you can receive.


Luckily, technologies and screening have advanced in recent years across all areas of medicine. So, nowadays it is easier for clinicians to spot the early warning signs of cancer at checkups.

Oral cancer screening is one of the reasons why it is so important to see our dentist St John’s Wood regularly. We can check your mouth, inner cheeks and tongue for any suspicious lumps or patches of skin and refer you to a specialist if necessary.

Here are some of the indicators that you may have oral cancer and need to see our dentist St John’s Wood for an emergency checkup.


Most people have had oral ulcers at one time or another, especially when they are ill or stressed.

But recurring ulcers in the same part of the mouth can highlight an issue that our dentist St John’s Wood will need to examine. If you have ulcers that keep occurring in the same place, are bleeding, have a yellow pigment or are larger than a 5 pence piece, then you need to see our team promptly.

Difficulty swallowing

Difficulty swallowing food can be an indicator that you have an issue such as gastrointestinal reflux disease or GERD. But it can also be an indicator of oral cancer as it can point to growths in your throat or at the back of your mouth.

If you have continuous issues with swallowing your food, then you need to see our team to have your mouth explored.

Lumps and bumps

Lumps and bumps in or around the mouth are typically benign.

However, if you notice that you have a lump or suspicious bump that has started to grow and cause discomfort, then you will need to see our team urgently.

While these things are rarely signs of oral cancer, they can be a clear symptom. So, even if your swelling is not causing discomfort, it needs to be examined before it begins to obstruct your airway.

Weight loss

Unexplained and unexpected weight loss should always be investigated by your doctor and, if necessary, a member of our team.

While it may not point to oral cancer directly, there is a link between having oral cancer and losing weight. This is because the body is diverting resources from the fat cells in your body to fight the tumour.

So, if you jumped on the scales and are shocked by your weight loss, you need to seek urgent medical care. Call our team if you have weight loss combined with any of the other symptoms on this list.

Healing issues in mouth

When you have a tooth extracted, it should heal within 2 weeks. However, if it takes longer than this without a diagnosed illness, it can be a sign that there needs to be an investigation. Oral cancer can cause delays in healing in the mouth and surrounding tissues. So, if there are delays with healing in your mouth or on your lips, then you need to see our team as soon as possible.