Looking for a gorgeous smile as an adult? Braces we can offer you at Aura Dental

In years gone by, if you wanted to straighten your smile as an adult, you may have been told that the only suitable option was a metal appliance.


We are happy to say that while an orthodontic aligner will always have its place in dental care, it is no longer the only option for adults who want to improve their smiles. Recent advancements have seen an upsurge in the number of clear and invisible appliances across the UK and at Aura Dental. We are happy to have a myriad of different types to offer.

At Aura Dental, we believe that everyone should be happy with their smile, so whether you have a cosmetic alignment issue or have a more pressing issue such as an over or underbite, one of our braces in St John’s Wood can help. With many different brands to choose from, we will endeavour to find the perfect aligner to help you get that straighter, healthier smile as soon as possible.

But what are some of the different braces in St John’s Wood that we offer? Read on to find out!


Exceedingly popular with adults and teenagers alike, these braces in St John’s Wood are removable, invisible and can straighten your smile on average in 6 months.

Worn for 22 hours a day, they require changing every 2 weeks but do not need to be tightened, making the entire process more comfortable for you.


A fitted alternative, the Damon aligner does not need tightening; instead, it utilises a set of sliding brackets that adjust as your teeth are moved, making them more pleasant to wear.

Like Invisalign, these can correct an array of issues from overbites to overcrowding and can straighten your smile in as little as 6 months.


When you think of a metal aligner, you probably envision a metal wire and brackets affixed to the front of the teeth.

While a Lingual appliance is composed of a metal wire and brackets, they are attached to the back of the teeth, making them invisible to the naked eye. They will need adjusting throughout the treatment but this allows them to treat more specific and complicated problems. Depending on the severity of your misalignment, you will need to wear them for an average of 12-18 months.

Six Month Smiles

As the name suggests, these aligners are typically worn for 6 months!

Unlike the other appliances in this list, these are used to treat purely cosmetic issues and are attached to the front 6 teeth in your mouth. They will require adjusting but can get you that straighter looking smile you want in as little as 12 weeks.

Inman Aligners

A mixture of Invisalign and a metal aligner, the Inman Aligner is a discrete way to straighten your front teeth while also being removable.

Using a set of titanium coils, this aligner moves the misaligned teeth into the correct position and requires a check-up with our team every 2-weeks so we can assess its progress.