A healthy straight smile is important currency in our modern, image conscious world. Many adults are dissatisfied with their appearance and would like to make changes to their teeth or get them straightened. But because orthodontic treatment takes time, many people are concerned about how braces might affect their work or social life during the period of treatment.
Lingual braces are a modern development in orthodontic dentistry and an alternative to front-of-teeth braces. They are fixed instead to the back of the teeth to provide a cosmetic solution for those who want their teeth straightened but are self-conscious about the braces showing.
To fit lingual braces, we will need to take an impression of the teeth where we will ask you to bite down on a soft silicone material, or take a digital impression, which our partner dental laboratory will then use to create customised metal brackets. At a future appointment, we will cement these brackets onto the back surfaces of your teeth and attach an arch wire using tiny elastic bands.