Is Invisalign right for you? An overview from Aura Dental

When it comes to straightening your teeth as an adult, there are many avenues available for the majority of dental patients.


If you’re considering orthodontic treatment in the coming year, you may have heard about invisible aligners.

Invisible aligners are a popular method for straightening your teeth that uses clear, removable trays to straighten your teeth. They’re popular because they’re discreet, comfortable, and convenient.

And when it comes to invisible aligners, our team at Aura Dental is exceedingly proud to offer them to our suitable teenage and adult patients. Invisalign St John’s Wood is one of the more popular options that we will always be happy to discuss with you.

But is Invisalign St John’s Wood the right choice for you? Below are some things you and our team will need to talk about when exploring whether or not invisible aligners are a good option for your orthodontic needs.

Your misalignment

The first thing to consider is your orthodontic needs. Invisible aligners like Invisalign St John’s Wood are an effective treatment for mild to moderate orthodontic issues, such as crowded or crooked teeth, gaps between teeth, and minor bite problems. However, they may not be suitable for more complex orthodontic cases, such as severe overbites or underbites, rotated teeth, or jaw misalignment. If you have significant orthodontic issues, our team may recommend traditional braces or other treatments.

Your commitment to treatment

You can remove invisible aligners to clean them, or to eat food, thus making them easy to use. However, this also means that you need to be committed to wearing them for the recommended duration each day. Most invisible aligner systems require you to wear the trays for 20-22 hours each day, only removing them for meals and brushing. If you’re not committed to wearing the aligners as directed, your treatment may take longer or be less effective.

Your lifestyle

Invisible aligners are a great choice for people with active lifestyles because they don’t interfere with sports, music, or other activities. They also don’t require any dietary restrictions, so you can eat whatever you like. However, if you have a job that requires a lot of talking or if you’re not comfortable speaking with aligners in your mouth, you may need to consider a different type of orthodontic treatment.

Your budget

While it is rare, invisible aligners may be a bit more costly than traditional braces. So, you will need to think about your finances when choosing whether to use invisible aligners. The cost of invisible aligners can vary depending on the brand and the complexity of your orthodontic needs. Of course, our team can offer financial backing, but this will need to be explored to see if you are suitable.

Your dental history

Your dental history can also play a role in whether invisible aligners are a good choice for you. If you’ve had extensive dental work, such as crowns, bridges, or implants, invisible aligners might not be a suitable option because they require a certain amount of tooth surface for the aligners to grip onto. Additionally, if you have a history of gum disease or tooth decay, our team may need to address those issues before starting invisible aligner treatment.