Invisalign St John’s Wood: bringing back happiness!

When you see your reflection, do you feel down about your misaligned teeth? Do you find yourself avoiding smiling for photographs, or do you sigh wistfully when you look at photographs in a magazine? At Aura Dental, we don’t want you to feel like you’re missing out on a wonderful smile. We have Invisalign St John’s Wood that can put a beautiful smile on your face in just 6 to 18 months, on average. We believe that getting the smile you want doesn’t have to be difficult; that’s why we love this treatment for mild to moderate alignment issues. Invisalign St John’s Wood consists of aligners that must be worn over the teeth and may be removed for a couple of hours every day, so you can have the flexibility of choice about when you wear them. What’s more, you won’t have to worry about other people knowing that you have anything in your mouth, as they should be virtually invisible. Yes, you did read that correctly!


How are Invisalign’s aligners discreet?

At Aura Dental, we use the latest technology to digitally scan your mouth and get the measurements for your aligners to be manufactured. Once you receive them, you will see that they are made of transparent plastic material. When you place the aligners over your teeth, only your teeth should be noticeable. The aligners then apply pressure to the teeth to push them into the targeted position. You will need to change between your aligners every couple of weeks, and we will give you enough to last 6 weeks before you have to attend a check-up and receive more.

The benefits of Invisalign

If you are considering Invisalign St John’s Wood, there are many reasons why you should! Opting for removable aligners means you won’t need to worry about avoiding any foods that could damage them as you won’t have them in your mouth whilst eating. What’s more, you should also be able to look after your teeth properly as you won’t have anything in your mouth to stop you from cleaning your teeth efficiently. The convenience of Invisalign shouldn’t be underestimated, especially when you should still have time to take the aligners out for playing sports or heading into an important meeting. Invisalign also has a range specifically for teenagers, so if your child isn’t keen on fixed visible braces, Invisalign could be the alternative solution that will make them happy and get them that all-important smile!

Of course, realigning your teeth isn’t just about aesthetics. Having aligned teeth makes it easier to speak, chew your food and clean your teeth properly. There are so many reasons to feel happy if you can have Invisalign!

Let’s find happiness together!

For more information about Invisalign and the other discreet treatment options that we offer, all you need to do is book a consultation, where we can examine you and discuss your concerns about your smile. We will then advise you about what treatment options would be suitable and explain them to you so that you can make an informed decision. If Invisalign is a treatment option on the table, we look forward to getting you a smile you will love!