Invisalign in St John’s Wood can enhance your smile!

Sometimes, it seems life isn’t fair. You spend hours each week just looking at your teeth and wishing they were straighter; it’s constantly in the back of your mind that you don’t want to smile too widely in case anyone sees your teeth; you’re always avoiding photographs when your snap-happy friends and family are about. Basically, it haunts your waking hours. And, when it comes to considering braces, ‘train tracks’ are the last thing you want, especially if you’re not a teenager anymore – that boat has well set sail, thank you very much! Well, actually, it hasn’t. At Aura Dental, we have a treatment to address mild to moderate alignment issues in as little as 6 to18 months using a discreet and effective method. We are Private Dentistry Finalists 2020 and we have a little bit of magic for you with a removable aligner treatment called Invisalign. Invisalign St John’s Wood is the popular way to get great teeth conveniently, comfortably and without embarrassment, no matter what your age.


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign St John’s Wood is a system that uses clear plastic aligners which are worn over the teeth like a gum shield. They are more streamlined and comfortable, however, as they are custom-made to fit your mouth. The use of iTero technology allows your dentist to take a 3D scan of your mouth from which to get the measurements for your aligners to be manufactured, and afterwards an animation can be generated to show you what your teeth will look like after the completion of your treatment.

The aligners apply a gentle pressure to your teeth when they are being worn and, gradually, your teeth will move into the desired position. After this, you will need to wear a retainer. The aligners can be removed for up to 2 hours a day, which allows you greater flexibility with your treatment on a daily basis.

What’s the deal?

So, it sounds great, right? But perhaps you’re wondering what makes this a preferred treatment option in reality. The positives are simple: you can remove the aligners, which means you don’t have to wear them when you go on a date or have that important job interview. But, if you do decide to wear them, nobody will notice you have them in your mouth (unless they have a strange tendency to stare very closely at your teeth). Another bonus is that if you can remove them for up to 2 hours a day, it gives you plenty of time to eat and drink without them in. This is cause for celebration as anyone with fixed metal braces will tell you, because you won’t have to clean off any food debris from your aligners after eating. You can also take them out to brush and floss as normal, so you can maintain a normal oral hygiene routine, other fixed brace patients may sigh longingly for this easier option!

Another benefit is that the aligners are difficult to break! Made of plastic, there are no delicate wires and brackets to contend with.

What do I need to do?

If you are interested in finding out more about Invisalign, book in to see us at Aura Dental. We have a friendly and professional team who are ready to help you get a smile you can be proud of. Our Invisalign St John’s Wood would be only too happy to discuss the benefits of Invisalign.