Invisalign for healthy, beautiful teeth

Invisalign St John’s Wood is a modern and highly effective method of teeth straightening, preferred by patients across the world as an excellent alternative to traditional braces. Traditional braces are highly efficient at straightening complex orthodontic issues. However, they are also visible in the mouth and can often draw unwanted attention to your teeth. If you want to address your orthodontic issues and you wish to do so at your discretion without drawing unwarranted stares to your mouth, then you need to find out about Invisalign St John’s Wood and whether or not it is suitable for you.


Invisalign for healthy teeth

Invisalign St John’s Wood can be used to address a whole range of orthodontic issues, including crooked and wonky teeth, protruding front teeth, overlapping teeth, overcrowded teeth, and different types of bite disorders, such as overbite, underbite and crossbite. By addressing these issues Invisalign helps you achieve a neatly aligned smile that is attractive to look at and increases your self-confidence and your self-esteem. It also reduces dental health complications. This is because straightening your teeth helps reduce the build up of plaque and tartar on your teeth, which means your teeth are less likely to develop cavities, tooth decay or gum disease. Rather you can maintain a beautiful smile and enjoy healthy teeth and gums at the same time.

Invisalign aligners

Firstly, our dentist will need to make sure that it is safe to straighten your teeth. This means checking for any signs of cavities, tooth decay or gum disease. If your teeth are affected by decay or disease, then it will not be safe to straighten your teeth yet. You will have to undergo a course of general dental treatment and restore your dental health to begin with. Once your teeth and gums are healthy and strong, then your dentist will carry out an intraoral scan of your mouth and show you how your teeth can be improved using Invisalign. These scan results can be used to design a sequence of aligners that will help align your teeth into a neater formation. The number of aligners depends on how crooked or wonky teeth are to begin with and varies from patient to patient. Aesthetic issues of the teeth can be corrected with up to 10 or 20 aligners. Mild and moderate misalignment issues of the teeth are often corrected with 20 to 40 aligners and complex orthodontic issues may need 50 or more aligners to straighten your teeth.

Each aligner works for up to 2 weeks and then you have to move on to the next aligner in the series. It is important that you wear your aligners correctly for optimal results. Each aligner needs to be in your mouth for approximately 22 hours of the day during these 2 weeks. You need to remember to take them out if you eat anything or drink anything other than water and brush your teeth thoroughly before you put the aligners back into your mouth. In this way, you will be able to correct the misalignment issues of your teeth and achieve a beautiful, healthy smile very soon.