Invisalign – cosmetic dentistry for a beautiful smile

Invisalign St John’s Wood is a modern and highly popular alternative to traditional orthodontic treatment for straightening your teeth. If you suffer from misaligned teeth, crookedness and wonky teeth, protruding teeth, gaps in your teeth and overcrowding then you need to speak to us here at Aura Dental and find out about Invisalign St John’s Wood for you.


Traditional orthodontic treatment consists of fixed metal appliances which are highly visible in your mouth, pulling your teeth into position over a period of time. On the other hand, Invisalign St John’s Wood, as the name suggests, is almost invisible and therefore a highly discreet and convenient method for addressing the aesthetic issues of your teeth. Invisalign St Johns Wood works by using a series of clear plastic aligners which can be taken out of your mouth and put back in as necessary so that they do not impact any other aspects of your life. By making sure that the aligners fit accurately and precisely, they work to create pressure around your teeth to help move them safely and gradually into a better suited position.

How does Invisalign work?

Here at Aura Dental our dentists have specialised training in the Invisalign procedure and will carry out a comprehensive examination of your teeth and gums to begin with to make sure that the treatment is suitable for you. This is because orthodontic treatment requires healthy teeth and gums to make sure that it is safe to move the position of your teeth without causing any dental issues or complications. When your dentist is sure that Invisalign is the correct choice of treatment for you then you will undergo a specialised iTero 3-dimensional scan which will help you and your dentist see exactly how Invisalign can change the appearance of your teeth.

Once you are happy with the visual, your dentist will be able to explain how long the treatment will take to achieve these results and once agreed they will be able to send the scans to the Invisalign laboratory where the technicians will create a series of aligners for you that will help you achieve the smile that you are hoping for. The number of aligners that you will need depends on the extent of misalignment to begin with and can vary from patient to patient. Once the aligners have been created you will be able to take them home and begin your treatment immediately. Each aligner is to be worn for 2 weeks at a time for at least 22 hours of the day only to be taken out during meal times and for a drink other than water. After every two or three aligners you can visit your dentist to make sure that the treatment process is coming along successfully and that the movement of your teeth is not causing any other dental issues. Your teeth may feel a bit sensitive however this is quite normal and will subside soon.

Speak to us at Aura dental today to find out more about Invisalign and how you can create a beautiful smile at your convenience and your discretion and promote better oral health for life.