Invisalign a clear, convenient and comfortable approach to orthodontics

The majority of adults present a certain degree of reluctance towards traditional orthodontic treatment which uses metal fixed appliances in your mouth to correct your misalignment issues. These tend to be highly visible in the mouth and affect your self-consciousness and esteem. Research has shown that most adults would rather settle for the misalignment of their teeth then undergo such orthodontic treatment.


Advances in dental technology over the last few decades has helped address the high visibility of orthodontic treatment and there are now many different options for alternate treatment procedures. Invisible orthodontics has become very popular in treating the aesthetic issues of your teeth and if you speak to us at Aura dental then you’ll find that we have an array of treatment options available for you depending on your personal requirements and preferences.

Invisalign in St. Johns Wood

Here at Aura dental we are proud to present Invisalign St John’s Wood. Introduced 20 years ago, Invisalign has helped correct over 10 million smiles and is continuing to grow in popularity for correcting the misalignment issues of your teeth. The popularity of Invisalign St. Johns Wood is due to the discretion and the comfort of the clear plastic aligners that are used for this process. With Invisalign St Johns Wood you will find that the invisible aligners are a fantastic alternative to metal wires and brackets which are used in conventional orthodontics, not only are they almost invisible but they are also comfortable to wear and work effectively to straighten your teeth in a similar or shorter period of time than metal braces. The average treatment time with Invisalign St John’s wood ranges from 6 to 12 months depending on the extent of straightening necessary to achieve your desired smile.

By straightening your teeth not only will you have a beautiful smile to look at but your teeth will also be easier to keep clean and free of dental issues. This is because a neatly aligned smile has less hard to reach areas for plaque and tartar to build up in there for your toothbrush and your floss will be able to reach all the surfaces and edges of your teeth and promote better oral health for you.

You will need to book an appointment to see your dentist here at Aura Dental to make sure that your teeth are clean and strong and that your gums are healthy before you can begin the process of Invisalign. All orthodontic treatments require good oral health so if you do have any underlying dental issues then these will be addressed prior to beginning your treatment procedure. Once your dentist is happy that you are ready to begin the treatment then you will undergo a specialised iTero three-dimensional scan which has been designed by the makers of Invisalign themselves. This scan allows you to see an accurate prediction of how your teeth will look following a successful course of Invisalign treatment. If you are happy with the scan results then the dentist will send these off to the Invisalign laboratory to create a series of Invisalign aligners for you and you can begin your journey to a beautiful smile that you are proud to show off to the world.