How our skilled cosmetic dentists can help you achieve your smile dreams

Cosmetic dentists have a wealth of ways to make over a smile. At Aura Dental in St John’s Wood, our skilled dentists can improve your smile’s appearance, and with it your body image and confidence, with a wide selection of cosmetic dental procedures

cosmetic-dentistThe key thing to remember about cosmetic dentistry is that, by working with skilled and experienced dentists, almost anything is possible – and more often than you might think, your dream smile can be created in just a few appointments.

At Aura Dental in St John’s Wood, our skilled cosmetic dentists have a great deal of experience, and are highly qualified. They will work with you to address issues large or small with your current smile, making your dreams come true.

The first step on your smile journey is to come into our St John’s Wood dental centre for a consultation with one of our cosmetic dentists. As well as undertaking a thorough clinical examination, your dentist will take the time to find out a bit about you, what you wish to achieve from treatment, and what your current likes and dislikes about your smile are.

Your dentist will discuss all the relevant treatment options available from Aura Dental in St John’s Wood before drawing up a personalised treatment plan, including the order, length, and projected costs of any treatment.

Depending on your individual requirements, our St John’s Wood dentists may recommend:


Porcelain veneers are similar to false fingernails for the teeth, with one big difference; whilst false nails are temporary, veneers can last for ten years or more with appropriate care.

Dentists can use veneers to cover a wide range of issues, from permanent tooth discolouration to minor spacing or alignment issues, in just a few short appointments.

Teeth whitening

The most frequently-heard request by cosmetic dentists, teeth whitening with a dental professional is a safe and effective way to remove stains from your teeth.

Discreet tooth straightening

Our St John’s Wood dental team has several subtle options available to straighten adults’ teeth. This may involve wearing a discreet brace, or a clear, removable aligner.