How dental implants in St John’s Wood prevent bone loss

Tooth loss is a very stressful event and can lead to a lot of unfortunate consequences. Eating and speaking are immediately affected when one or more teeth are missing. However, one thing that many people fail to realise about tooth loss is that it can have a bad impact on your oral and overall health. Tooth loss can lead to further tooth loss, as well as jawbone loss. Luckily, dental implants are very effective at preventing bone loss.

At Aura Dental in St John’s Wood, dental implants are our preferred restoration method for patients who have lost one, several or all of their natural teeth. Unlike conventional bridges and dentures, dental implants do not simply sit on the gums. Instead, they are incorporated into the jawbone, creating a strong and sturdy foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel and function just like your natural teeth.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodHow can bone loss affect my oral and overall health?

Damaged teeth that have to be extracted, sometimes are not replaced soon after. This can cause many problems, since as soon as the tooth is removed, the bone in the jaw ceases to be stimulated. The jawbone requires constant stimulation in order to stay strong and healthy. Without it, it will gradually start to deteriorate.

After some time, the receding jawbone will start to affect the neighbouring teeth, which will start to loosen and eventually fail. Once teeth start failing, the problem can spread quickly causing further tooth loss and a change in your appearance.

Preventing bone loss in the jawbone comes down to replacing your missing teeth with dental implants in St John’s Wood as soon as they are lost. This will ensure that your jawbone is constantly receiving stimulation and your teeth will remain strong and healthy for longer.

How can dental implants help?

Dental implants help prevent bone loss because they are made of titanium, a metal that is compatible with the human body. Once they are surgically placed into the jawbone, they have the unique ability to attach to the soft tissue until they are fully incorporated.

To learn more about dental implants in St John’s Wood and how they can help you overcome tooth loss, please contact us today.