For dental implants, we have a dentist St John’s Wood who’s here for you

Let’s not beat about the bush: you could have missing teeth for a variety of reasons. Whether you have missing teeth due to poor oral hygiene, smoking, medication, illness, or an unfortunate accident, the result will be the same: missing teeth are not aesthetically pleasing and can increase your risk of further oral health problems due to exposure to more bacteria. At Aura Dental, we have a treatment that could be the next best thing to having natural teeth, and our dentist St John’s Wood will be able to advise you if it is a suitable treatment for you when you book a consultation to discuss the treatment options. At Aura Dental, we have been finalists in several Private Dentistry Awards and The Dentistry Awards too. Choosing to come to our friendly, forward-thinking practice that truly cares about you as an individual could be the best thing you ever do for your mouth. We even open on Saturdays to ensure you have a chance to see us!


Welcome to dental implants!

If you haven’t heard of dental implants, then you will wonder why when you realise how convenient they are for replacing missing teeth. Your natural teeth have two parts: the part you can see and the root that is under your gums and attached to your jawbone. When you lose one or more of your teeth, our dentist St John’s Wood at Aura Dental can now treat you using dental implants, which are small screws that replicate the missing tooth’s root. We will firmly fix your implant into your jawbone; the tissue will heal around the screws, so they won’t go anywhere. This then allows us to attach replacement teeth. You can have crowns, bridges or dentures, depending on the number of teeth you need to replace. Whatever option is right for you, with all of them, there will be no requirement to remove them at night, and you won’t have to avoid eating any food that you think could loosen them because they shouldn’t be going anywhere! It’s a brave new world!

Smile naturally

The obvious benefit of dental implants is the fact that your teeth will look completely natural, so nobody should realise that you have replacement teeth. What’s more, they shouldn’t loosen and give the game away! You could even find that your replacement teeth make you look younger as well. If your face has become drawn from having missing teeth, replacing them gives your face the required structure to make it look more youthful again. It’s definitely a great bonus for having dental implants! Of course, it’s not all just about appearances; by replacing your missing teeth, you can protect the teeth and gums that were left from being overexposed to bacteria and developing more issues.

We’re here for you!

Whether you want to see our friendly team during a lunch break or to pop in at the weekend, we have flexible appointment times to suit you, and we’re ready to meet you and get your personalised treatment plan in motion. We will discuss your concerns, examine you and explain fully what the options are so that you can make an informed decision about what you want to do. Why wait? We’re here now!