Fit Body + Fit Teeth = Fitter You

Your oral health is more vital than you realise. The state of your pearly whites offers clues about your physical well-being. When you understand the strong link between your oral and physical health, you can take preventive measures to protect yourself.

The Connection Between Mouth and Body

oral healthThe mouth serves as the gateway of your body; therefore, a better understanding of this organ offers rich insight into your body.

Similar to other parts of your body, your mouth is a place where bacteria may grow. Most of them are beneficial, if not harmless. Your body’s natural defence mechanism combined with good oral practices control these bacteria. But without proper oral hygiene, bacteria may result in oral infections and other diseases.

The medications you take also affect saliva flow. Regular intake of antihistamines or painkillers reduces saliva in your mouth. Saliva serves as a neutraliser of bacteria-produced acid in your mouth, protecting you from overgrowth or infection. With less saliva, you might be susceptible to diseases.

Oral Health and Physical Diseases

When you overlook your oral health, you are also taking your physical health for granted. The status of your teeth and gums can contribute to a number of diseases. Some conditions linked with oral health include the following:

  • Cardiovascular diseases – some researchers believe that oral bacteria cause clogged arteries, heart diseases and stroke.
  • Diabetes – this condition weakens the body’s defence against infection, which heightens the risk of gum diseases.
  • Osteoporosis – the weakening of your bone structure might have a connection with periodontal bone and tooth loss.
  • HIV/AIDS – Though the disease is not caused by oral problems, people with HIV often suffer from issues such as mucosal lesions.

Prevention is Better than Cure

The first step towards a healthier body and set of teeth depends on your oral hygiene practices. Simply brushing your teeth and caring for your gums goes a long way for your health. Proper care also improves your overall health and reduces the risks for problems.

The bottom line is: your mouth and body are not separate entities—they are connected and affect each other. When you take good care of your oral health, you love your body more.

Aura Dental is your partner in maintaining fit teeth for a fitter you. Get in touch with us now to learn more about how we can help.