Enjoy a beautiful smile with dental implants at our dentist

Good dental health is very important as problems with your teeth can affect your everyday life and have any impact on your overall wellbeing. It is important that you visit our dentist St John’s Wood at least once every six months and more often when necessary so that your teeth remain clean and free of plaque and tartar. Our dentist St John’s Wood will be able to remove any excess plaque and tartar and look for signs of cavities, tooth decay and gum disease. Tooth decay and gum disease are common issues that can be treated when detected early on. If you avoid our dentist St John’s Wood for long periods of time then they can cause irreversible damage to your teeth. The longer you avoid a check-up the more damage you will do and eventually you may have to undergo a tooth extraction because the tooth can no longer be saved.


If you have lost a tooth either as a result of tooth decay or gum disease, or even if you have been in an accident and have missing teeth, you need to speak to our dentist and find out about replacing your missing teeth with dental implants.

Dental implants

Dental implants are an excellent method of tooth replacement chosen by dentists and patients across the world. Although they have been in use for many decades, over the last few years they have seen a surge in popularity and with much research and development they have an excellent success rate of over 96%. With dental implants you can replace your missing teeth and forget that you lost your original ones.

Dental implants allow your replacement teeth to look and feel exactly like your natural dentition. They are small, strong titanium screws that work in a similar fashion to the root of your missing tooth. They provide a sturdy foundation for a crown or a set of dentures allowing you to continue with your daily life as if you never lost a tooth in the first place.

To find out if you are eligible for dental implants you will need to undergo an examination at our dental practice. Our dentist will look at the health of your remaining teeth and gums and examine your jawbone to find out if your mouth can hold an implant in place. You will need an X-ray and a three-dimensional scan and if dental implants are suitable for you then this will help our dentist to calculate the number of implants that you need, what size the implant should be and how it will need to be positioned in your jaw for optimal results. Our dentist will then put a treatment plan in place and book you in for the surgery. The surgery can take a few hours depending on the number of implants that you need and within a few months you should be able to replace your missing teeth permanently.

Speak to us at Aura Dental today and find out more about dental implants and whether or not they are suitable for you. Let us put together an individually tailored treatment plan that will address your dental needs and restore the beauty and function of your smile very soon.