Dental implants for tooth loss in St John’s Wood

It is important to regularly visit your dentist St John’s Wood to make sure that you have good dental health and that your teeth are strong and healthy enough to last the rest of your life. Unfortunately, throughout life, many adults lose some of their teeth.


Here in the UK, research has shown that almost 75% of adults have lost a tooth or had a tooth extracted for whatever reason. Thanks to advances in dental technology, tooth replacement therapy has become more effective and convenient than ever before. So, if you have lost a tooth or had to undergo a tooth extraction, then speak to our dentist St John’s Wood to find out about the different treatment options available for you.

Why are dental implants so popular?

Dental implants are a popular form of tooth replacement therapy here at your dentist St John’s Wood and have become firmly established over the last few decades as the gold standard in replacing missing teeth. Although they have been around for many years now, dental implants have seen a rise in popularity only over the last two decades, and they continue to be the choice of treatment for missing teeth amongst dentists and patients alike.

If you have missing teeth, whether as a result of poor oral hygiene or injury, then speak to your dentist St John’s Wood to find out how dental implants here at Aura Dental could help you. If you have one missing tooth, multiple missing teeth or you need to replace all your teeth, speak to us about dental implants, and we can discuss the different options that are available for you.

How do dental implants work?

Dental implants work to replace the root of your missing tooth. They consist of small titanium screws that can be placed into the bone socket of your missing tooth to enable a natural process known as osseointegration to help embed the screw firmly in place. The screw then becomes fused to the bone, providing a solid foundation for the prosthetic of your choice. The process of the titanium screw becoming successfully embedded in your mouth can take several months and varies between patients depending on the overall well-being and the body’s ability to heal itself. Once your dentist is certain that successful osseointegration has occurred and the screw is firmly in place. you will need to visit your dentist again.

The next part of the procedure involves attaching an abutment or a connector post to the head of the screw, on which your dentist will fix the crown, bridge or denture depending on your dental requirements and personal choice.

Although the process can take up to 6 months or more to be completed, dental implants are a permanent solution to replacing your missing teeth. Tooth loss can have a negative impact on the rest of your teeth; it can affect your diet, your speech and the appearance of your smile. With the advice of your dentist and regular visits to us at Aura Dental, you can maintain better oral health and smile happily again.