Dental implants at your dentist in St John’s Wood

There are many different factors that can affect the way you feel about your smile. Missing teeth is one of the most distressing situations you can find yourself in concerning your dental health. If you have lost a tooth or are missing multiple teeth, then rest assured that dental technology has advanced significantly over the last few decades, and there are plenty of treatment options available for you to replace your missing teeth. You do not have to suffer in silence; speak to our dentist St John’s Wood at Aura Dental today and find out about replacing your missing teeth. Tooth replacement therapy is designed to meet your individual dental requirements and your personal preferences. Tooth replacement can be temporary and removable, or it can be fixed and permanent, depending on what you are looking for.

What are dental implants?

Whether you would like fixed or removable tooth replacement, you’ll need to speak to our dentist St John’s Wood here at Aura Dental to find out about dental implants for replacing your missing teeth. Dental implants are the gold standard in tooth replacement therapy. Dental implants provide a sturdy and permanent foundation for your choice of prosthetic for replacing your missing tooth or teeth.

Dental implants are designed to last you for the rest of your life. They are small titanium components that replace the root of the missing teeth. They can be directly inserted into the bone socket of the missing tooth and initiate a natural healing process known as osseointegration, in which osteoblasts (bone-forming cells) form around the implant, embedding the implant firmly in place. This process can take 3 or 4 months depending on your body’s ability to heal. Unfortunately, it is not suitable for everybody, and those with underlying medical conditions that affect the healing process of their bodies may have to speak to our dentist St John’s Wood and find out about alternative tooth replacement options.

Dental implants for replacing missing teeth

If our dentist decides that dental implants are suitable for you, you will need to undergo the process under careful supervision, and we will examine your teeth every few weeks to make sure that the process is coming along successfully. Once the healing process is complete and the implant has been embedded successfully into your jaw bone, you can choose to have a crown, bridge or set of dentures to replace your missing teeth and restore the appearance and function of your teeth so that you can smile happily and confidently once more.

Dental implants can replace a single tooth, multiple teeth or all of your teeth, depending on your dental requirements. If you visit our dentist on a regular basis, maintain a good dental hygiene routine and refrain from factors that can have a negative impact on your oral health like smoking and other lifestyle choices, then your dental implants will help you enjoy a healthy smile for the rest of your life. Speak to us at Aura Dental today to find out more.