Curious if Invisalign is for you? 5 FAQs answered by our team at Aura Dental

When it comes to braces in adulthood, it seems that the traditional metal brace is being replaced with either clear or invisible braces.


Of course, if you have a more severe or complex case of misalignment, then our dentists and orthodontists will recommend a metal brace, but for the majority of cases involving misalignment, you can now have them treated more subtly. This is a major step forward in allowing sometimes reluctant patients to feel having their teeth aligned is something they are happy to do.

As the name suggests, clear and invisible braces are visually discreet and as such, no one will be able to notice you are wearing them. With certain invisible braces, you can even take the brace out to eat, meaning no brushing underwires to remove food debris.

At Aura Dental, we are proud to be able to offer suitable adult and teenage patients clear and invisible braces, especially Invisalign St John’s Wood. Custom fitted to slot over your teeth, this brace gently pushes on your teeth to straighten them, without the need for tightening or adjustments. You can even take it out!

Curious to learn more about Invisalign St John’s Wood? Here, we answer some of the most commonly asked questions that our team at Aura Dental is asked about this brace.

Is there an upper age limit?

In a word, no!

Provided that you have good overall oral health, there is no upper age limit on Invisalign St John’s Wood.

However, if you are a teenager who wants this brace, our team will need to assess that your dental roots are fully formed before using it, which usually occurs when you are about the age of 17 years old.

How long does the process take?

One of the key benefits of this brace is that, thanks to its ever-evolving technology, it can straighten a greater range of orthodontic problems.

However, depending on the severity of the orthodontic case you have, you may be wearing it for anywhere between 3-18 months. And of course, if you take it out too regularly, this can slow down its efficacy concerning straightening your teeth.

Does it straighten your jaw?

No, it doesn’t.

If you need to have your jaw straightened, our team will probably suggest a metal brace as a starting point and then, if your jaw straightens via this process, you may be able to wear this brace at a later stage.

However, the overall treatment process depends on the severity of your orthodontic case.

Does it make your breath smell bad?

As this brace is removable, it shouldn’t make your teeth smell bad.

But when you take the brace out to consume food, our team will recommend that you brush your teeth before putting it back in. Not doing so can allow bacteria to become pressed against your enamel, which can lead to bad breath and of course, tooth decay.

Can I take the aligner out for an entire day?

No; this aligner must stay in your mouth for at least 22 hours per day for you to notice its benefits as predicted.