Category: Dental implants

Eating: it’s a team effort

The trouble with the older ways of replacing teeth is that they are based on the premise that all we need for eating is the crowns of our teeth. However, there is so much more involved in getting our food into our mouths and transforming it into a swallowable paste. The crowns are the biters and grinders in this process and they need the roots to hold them steady while they do their work and the jaws to create the grinding and biting actions. That’s why, when people need replacement teeth in St John’s Wood, dental implants are the best solution.

At Aura Dental, we have seen so many people’s lives transformed by having dental implants in St John’s Wood that this method of tooth replacement is what we would like everyone to have.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodThe advantages of dental implants

Dental implants don’t just replace the teeth, they also preserve the jaw and therefore the face. This jaw aspect of tooth replacement was not so well understood several decades ago, when it wasn’t unheard of for young people to have all their teeth removed and replaced with dentures. People used to get that as wedding presents, or 21st birthday presents. It was thought of as a great way to save on dental expenses. But now, however, we shudder in horror at the thought of it. At Aura Dental, our goal is teeth for life, and, if one, some or all of them turn out not to be for life, then finding the best way to replace them is our next goal.

When dental implants are inserted, they can become teeth for life. Like our natural teeth, they become meshed with the bone tissue of the jawbone and are held securely anchored by the bone cells and blood vessels that grow all over their surface.

Providing they are well cared for, which is easy to do, your St John’s Wood dental implants can remain in place for the rest of your life. All you have to do is make sure you avoid gum disease, with careful twice-daily brushing, daily flossing, maybe some interdental brushes and some mouthwash. Couple this with a bi-annual scale and polish with the hygienist and you’re set to enjoy your new teeth for years to come.

Teeth In A Day with dental implants in St John’s Wood

Are your teeth failing due to cavities or gum disease? If so, would you believe that you can get permanent dental implants in only one day? Using a treatment known as Teeth In A Day, a dentist will in most cases be able to place all your dental implants and have you wearing a new set of replacement teeth on the same day. The procedure is also known as All-on-4 because in many cases only four implants are needed to support an entire arch of new teeth.

How is this possible, you may ask. Our dental team at Aura Dental have been performing this treatment for quite a few years. This immediate implant solution is an innovative treatment that allows the same day replacement of decayed or missing teeth with dental implants in St John’s Wood. This treatment requires the placement of fewer dental implants and does not involve bone grafting. As a result, recovery time is significantly reduced and your quality of life is drastically improved.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodHow does it work?

In the past, patients with advanced bone loss in the jawbone could not have dental implants, since regular dental implants require a certain amount of healthy bone in order to be stabilised. The innovative Teeth In A Day procedure involves placing four specially-designed dental implants in strategic positions where the bone is of high volume and density – even in patients who have lost most of their jawbone.

These implants are placed at an angle to take advantage of the dense bone present in the front of the jawbone, which is able to provide the strong support and retention needed. This method works for almost every patient and eliminates the need for bone grafting in most cases. Our dentists will attach a pre-made temporary bridge onto the dental implants, and once they have healed, we will replace it with a permanent, metal-reinforced, fixed bridge.

Teeth In A Day has made getting implant-supported teeth faster and affordable than ever. Plus, they are made to last a lifetime.

Contact us

To learn more about dental implants in St John’s Wood and find out if you are a good candidate for Teeth In A Day, contact us for more information.

How dental implants in St John’s Wood prevent bone loss

Tooth loss is a very stressful event and can lead to a lot of unfortunate consequences. Eating and speaking are immediately affected when one or more teeth are missing. However, one thing that many people fail to realise about tooth loss is that it can have a bad impact on your oral and overall health. Tooth loss can lead to further tooth loss, as well as jawbone loss. Luckily, dental implants are very effective at preventing bone loss.

At Aura Dental in St John’s Wood, dental implants are our preferred restoration method for patients who have lost one, several or all of their natural teeth. Unlike conventional bridges and dentures, dental implants do not simply sit on the gums. Instead, they are incorporated into the jawbone, creating a strong and sturdy foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel and function just like your natural teeth.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodHow can bone loss affect my oral and overall health?

Damaged teeth that have to be extracted, sometimes are not replaced soon after. This can cause many problems, since as soon as the tooth is removed, the bone in the jaw ceases to be stimulated. The jawbone requires constant stimulation in order to stay strong and healthy. Without it, it will gradually start to deteriorate.

After some time, the receding jawbone will start to affect the neighbouring teeth, which will start to loosen and eventually fail. Once teeth start failing, the problem can spread quickly causing further tooth loss and a change in your appearance.

Preventing bone loss in the jawbone comes down to replacing your missing teeth with dental implants in St John’s Wood as soon as they are lost. This will ensure that your jawbone is constantly receiving stimulation and your teeth will remain strong and healthy for longer.

How can dental implants help?

Dental implants help prevent bone loss because they are made of titanium, a metal that is compatible with the human body. Once they are surgically placed into the jawbone, they have the unique ability to attach to the soft tissue until they are fully incorporated.

To learn more about dental implants in St John’s Wood and how they can help you overcome tooth loss, please contact us today.

Replace your missing teeth permanently with dental implants in St John’s Wood

In modern dentistry, dental implants are considered to be the next best thing to natural teeth because they are strong and secure. Also, because they are fitted into the jawbone, they feel and function like real teeth. They also look like real teeth and can, therefore, greatly enhance your appearance and confidence.

At Aura Dental in St John’s Wood, dental implants are our treatment of choice for patients who have lost one, several, or all of their natural teeth. Unlike conventional dentures and bridges, which simply sit on the gums without interacting with the jawbone, dental implants are embedded into the jawbone. This way they create a strong and permanent foundation for replacement teeth.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodWhat are dental implants?

Dental implants are titanium rods that are surgically placed into the jawbone and serve the same purpose as the roots of teeth. They can replace missing teeth and prevent bone loss under dentures or bridges. Dental implants come in different forms and they may have a smooth texture, be threaded, perforated, hollow, solid, coated, or textured. Because they are made of titanium, a metal that is compatible with the human body, they have the ability to fuse with the jawbone and encourage the regeneration of bone tissue.

What should I expect?

Dental implants in St John’s Wood require careful planning. Your dentist at Aura Dental will discuss your goals and expectations and will provide you with all of your options, expected outcome, risks and benefits. The dentist will also perform a thorough examination to determine if there is enough bone width to fit an implant. If the implant is being used to replace a single tooth, there needs to be adequate room between the existing teeth so that the implant does not damage the surrounding tooth roots.

To place a dental implant, the dentist will use local anaesthesia to numb the surgical area. Once the implant is embedded into the jawbone, your dentist will leave it to heal for a few weeks or months depending on your situation. After that, your dentist will confirm that the bone has attached to the implant and mount the replacement tooth over it.

Key benefits of dental implants in St John’s Wood

Dental implants are used to replace missing teeth. They are designed to closely mimic the function of normal teeth. When you have dental implants in St John’s Wood with Aura Dental, we take the time to go through the benefits carefully with you so that you know what to look forward to.

Some patients may find it helpful to have a list of the key benefits. This might help when making the decision to get dental implants in St John’s Wood in the first place. It can also be helpful to refer back to during the healing process, which can take a few weeks.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodRestoring your food choices

Food is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Restrictions to your food choices can mean less opportunity to enjoy yourself. If you have been living without a full set of teeth, or with a different tooth replacement method, for some time, you may already have experienced this.

The benefit of dental implants is that, once they have healed, they offer you the ability to choose from the same range of foods as you can with normal teeth. No particular techniques or food preparation methods are required to use dental implants to enjoy your favourite foods. You can simply eat as usual.

A boost to your appearance

Some people feel self-conscious about gaps in their smile. They may feel that they come with a certain stigma or say something about a person’s age or health.

When you get dental implants in St John’s Wood, they restore your full set of teeth again so you can smile with confidence. Many people will not be able to tell the difference between your dental implants and your normal teeth.


The benefits of dental implants can last a lifetime if they are properly cared for. Some tooth replacement methods can become less effective over time. Dental implants retain the same bite pressure at all times.

Dental implants are not susceptible to decay or cavities. Proper dental hygiene is still important as you need to care for your remaining teeth and the gums around your implants. However, you do not need to make any special adaptations to your normal routine.

Replacement teeth that act like real teeth

The quest for replacement teeth that look and act like real teeth has been going on for centuries. Archaeologists have discovered ancient jawbones with rudimentary dentures in them, as well as others with false teeth made of shells and jade inserted into them. The incredible thing is these have actually fused with the bone. This concept was lost for centuries but re-emerged in the 1950s, when a Swedish scientist discovered that titanium can do the same thing.

This was the start of implants for the body, including for teeth. Now, 40 years after they first hit the dentistry market, dental implants in North West London at Aura Dental have become many people’s first choice of method for replacing lost teeth.

Dental Implants in North LondonThe power of titanium

Titanium is a very strong and light metal, making it perfect for replacing body parts, including tooth roots. Titanium is incredibly compatible with the body, which actually grows new tissue and blood vessels all over it, to hold it firmly in place. The typical kind of dental implants in North West London are posts about 1.3 millimetres long and screw-shaped to give it more surface area for the bone tissue to mesh with. This meshing process, known as osseointegration, takes a couple of months, and by the end of it, the implant will be able to withstand chewing forces of up to 97kg or 200lbs, which is more than the average male chew.

The next step

Inside the implant is an internal screw, and when osseointegration is complete, the dentist screws in an abutment piece, which varies in design depending on what kind of crowns are going to be attached to the implant. It could be between one and three crowns, or the implant may be part of a set that is going to be used to stabilise dentures, in which case there will probably be a ball-shaped snap on abutment.

The crowns themselves are made from porcelain, colour-matched, sized, and shaped by a skilled dental technician to blend in with your natural teeth.

At Aura Dental In North West London, dental implants are a popular choice for people who are missing teeth. Even though they cannot decay, they can fall victim to gum disease, so careful brushing, flossing and plaque removal visits are vital to their maintenance.

Once they’re in, they’re in!

If you lose something important, ideally you want to have replace it only the once, and not to have to keep replacing it every few years. However, in these days of built-in obsolescence, it feels like nothing lasts for more than a year or two; nothing, that is, except dental implants. In St John’s Wood, these little miracles of modern dentistry can be expected to last you for the rest of your life.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodAt Aura Dental in St John’s Wood, dental implants are fast becoming our patients’ first choice for tooth restorations, and it’s easy to see why. Of all the options on offer, dental implants are the only ones that will last for the rest of your life and give you back the full functionality of your teeth.

Both of these important benefits are down to the fact that implants replace the root of the tooth as well as the crown. Bridges and dentures only replace the crown. The artificial root of the dental implant will last for the rest of your life (providing you take good care of it) because it actually meshes with the bone of your jaw and becomes an integral part of your body. The only way it can come out is if you neglect your teeth so that advanced gum disease eats into the bone around the implant and causes it to become loose. This is entirely avoidable with diligent brushing and flossing and regular visits to the hygienist.

A strong base

Having the implant firmly embedded into your jawbone is what makes the crown so able to cope with the forces created by chewing. Dental implants can cope with multidirectional pressures of up to 97kg or 200lbs, which is more than the force created by the average male. This, coupled with the fact that there are no plates over the roof your mouth means that you can eat whatever you like, and get the full flavour of your food.

Dental implants in St John’s Wood require minor oral surgery for insertion. This is usually done under local anaesthetic, but nervous patients can also have oral or intravenous sedation to help them fully relax during the procedure.

Are gaps ruining your smile?

Imagine being able to eat your favourite foods without having to think about it first. How would it feel to like what you see in the mirror and enjoy smiling freely? If these seem like distant memories then you may be suffering with the discomfort, inconvenience or unsightly appearance of missing teeth. This is often associated with ageing, but sometimes teeth do not develop or are lost due to accident or illness. Remaining teeth may also become unstable as they can tip or drift out of position. At Aura Dental, we have seen how many people have benefitted from having dental implants in St John’s Wood.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodWhat are dental implants?

The implants themselves are small metal screws that are inserted into the jaw during a minor surgical procedure. This is carried out under local anaesthetic to ensure your comfort. As the jaw heals, the bones and blood vessels mesh around the implants to hold them firmly in place. When they are secure, usually after three to six months, the implants are used as a base for a single replacement tooth, a bridge of several teeth or a full set. For our patients in St John’s Wood, dental implants are a long-term investment because, if cared for correctly, they can last several decades.

Why are dental implants a better option?

When you have dental implants in St John’s Wood, you are choosing a secure, permanent solution that avoids the need for removeable appliances, which can restrict your diet, be unstable and need to be removed for cleaning. In St John’s Wood, dental implants have allowed so many people to live life to the full again, enjoying their favourite food and loving their smile. Eating a full diet is more nourishing and contributes to improved health overall. Another major advantage is that implants stimulate the bones of the jaw in the same way as natural teeth when you bite and chew. This avoids the tissues shrinking back as they do if you have gaps or use dentures.

Join our hundreds of satisfied patients in St John’s Wood. Dental implants could give you something to smile about and a healthier future.

Dental implants in St John’s Wood: does age matter?

Due to advances in modern medicine, there is an ever increasing demographic trend towards a larger number of older patients who wish to replace their missing teeth with dental implants. Many of these patients are missing teeth for various reasons – old age, gum disease and trauma are the most frequent.

Conventional replacement of missing teeth, such as crowns and bridges offer short-term benefits and are not preferred by many of these patients.

At Aura Dental in St John’s Wood, dental implants are our treatment of choice for patients who have lost one, several or all of their natural teeth. Unlike conventional bridges and dentures, dental implants are permanently attached to the jawbone and create a stable foundation for replacement teeth. Age as a factor in implant success has been a concern among many patients.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodOlder patients, theoretically, have potentially longer healing times, more health issues to consider, and the likelihood of poorer jawbone quality. Nevertheless, a number of studies conducted on dental implant patients indicate that the procedure is safe and effective for adults of any age.

Health issues to consider

Age is not a determinant factor for dental implants; however, health is. As with any other medical procedure, implant surgery works better for patients who are in generally good health. Generally, if you are healthy enough for an oral tooth extraction or oral surgery in general, you are a good candidate for dental implants in St John’s Wood.

However, patients suffering from certain health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease may experience longer healing times. For this reason, it is always advised to let your dentist know of your condition in advance.

Another factor to consider when contemplating dental implants is jawbone health. Your jawbone must be healthy and strong enough to support your dental implants properly. If you experience jawbone loss, you can still have dental implants, with or without a bone graft. In any case, your dentist will ensure the best chance of long-term success of your dental implants.

Want to find out whether dental implants are the right solution for you? Call Aura’s friendly team to schedule FREE consultation!

Dental implants in St John’s Wood: a permanent solution for your missing teeth

Tooth loss can be devastating for many people, not only because it affects the appearance of their smile, but also because it can cause many oral health problems. If you don’t replace the missing teeth, the gaps can cause other teeth to move, may create jaw problems and in the long run can even lead to further tooth loss. They also leave unattractive spaces in the smile and the more teeth you lose, the more problems you will have with eating and speaking.

Luckily, dental implants offer a permanent solution to tooth loss. From replacing single teeth with implant-supported crowns to same-day teeth, dental implant solutions help you overcome tooth loss and restore your oral health and function to the fullest. At Aura Dental, we encourage our patients to replace their missing teeth with dental implants in St John’s Wood, since that will save them from compounded oral health costs down the road.

Dental Implants in St John’s WoodWhat are dental implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium. They are surgically inserted into the upper or lower jawbone, where they are left to bond with the bone over a period of time. This process is possible due to the titanium being compatible with human body tissue. After the healing period has passed, your dentist will attach replacement teeth such as crowns, bridges or dentures over the dental implants.

In some cases, your dentist may be able to complete the entire procedure from root to replacement teeth in just one visit. The teeth attached to dental implants are very natural looking and fully restore your smile and oral function. Dental implants are very durable and will last for many years (potentially a lifetime) with good care and regular visits to the dentist. On occasion, they may need to be re-tightened due to normal wear but this is a quick and painless procedure.

Dental implants in St John’s Wood

No other treatment gives the benefits offered by dental implants, as they remain unrivalled in their ability to replicate a tooth-to-root-to-jawbone relationship. When you choose dental implants, you increase stock in your smile, your health and your self-esteem and this is a truly invaluable reward to enjoy for years to come.