Can I remove a rotten tooth myself? Reasons why home dentistry can be dangerous
In 2020, there have been many challenges to face in relation to everyday health due to COVID-19.

And, unsurprisingly, there has been a decrease in patients who are willing or able to visit their dental surgeries due to concerns over contracting coronavirus. Unfortunately, these difficult circumstances have led to a worsening of dental issues for many people and due to the lack of
dental surgeries that have been open, it has led to a rather startling trend.
There has been a surge in patients attempting to remove teeth and treat abscess at home, as opposed to seeking medical advice. While it can be advisable to treat a mild toothache at home with medication, anything more serious requires the input of a dental team.
And our dentist in St John’s Wood is here to help. At Aura Dental, we are proud of our emergency dental service and can offer patients who are experiencing dental pain, abscesses or any other uncomfortable conditions an appointment within 24 hours. This will leave you free of discomfort, and able to go about your day during these tough times.
But why should you avoid trying to perform dentistry at home? Our dentist in St John’s Wood answers that question below.
If you were to have an extraction in the dental chair, our dentist in St John’s Wood would be able to stem the bleeding.
However, the ‘tying a piece of string to a door and then slamming it’ idea for removing a rotten tooth may not only damage the tooth but can also lead to extensive bleeding. And as you will not be able to control this bleed, you should always see our team if you have a toothache.
Worsening of issue
Another advantage of visiting a dental professional is that they will undoubtedly be able to improve the issue. On the other hand, whichever issue you are trying to treat at home may be worsened, resulting in you visiting an emergency team anyway. Skip the discomfort, and come straight to us!
Dental infections can be serious and, as mentioned before, if you are trying to pull a tooth at home, you run the risk of introducing an infection.
If you are worried that you need an extraction, contact our team at Aura Dental for advice and an emergency appointment.
Lack of sterile equipment
Our team only uses sterilised equipment, which has had all of the bacteria removed chemically.
If you try to do any kind of complex dental care at home, your tools simply won’t cut it, regardless of how clean you may think they are.
As your safety is our priority, come to our team for any dental procedures in one of our clean, sterile treatment rooms.
And finally, even if you are trained as a dental professional, you still should not try at-home dental care!
Lacking experience when trying to perform dental procedures is likely to cause a lot of secondary damage, so contact our team for an emergency appointment immediately.