Beauty is in the mouth of the beholdee

We all want to look our best, as you can see if you look at how much people in the UK spend on adorning and sculpting their bodies. But hair-dos and new clothes are temporary fixes compared to some of the things you can have done at the dentist.

If you want value for money when you need a change to your look then cosmetic braces are a great choice. Whether you are an adult who would like straighter teeth, or the parent of a self-conscious teenager with mild misalignment issues, getting braces in St John’s Wood can be a permanent improvement to your looks and to your self-esteem.

Braces in St. John's WoodGood looks and good health

Here at Aura Dental in St John’s Wood, braces come in a variety of systems. Many people only have mildly misaligned teeth. If you are one such person, do not think that getting them straightened with braces in St John’s Wood makes you vain. Indeed, having your teeth straightened is in fact an act of self-care on several levels. When it comes to oral health, it is easier to keep straighter teeth clean. Therefore, straightening your teeth will greatly reduce your risk of tooth decay and infection.

When it comes to mental health, people who get their teeth straightened find themselves smiling and laughing more often, thereby increasing the amount of feel-good chemicals, such as serotonin, their bodies release. When it comes to social wellbeing, smiling more creates more connections, which can smooth your path through life.

A popular solution

Six Month Smiles is one of our popular braces systems. It combines the latest innovations and techniques with the tried and tested mechanics of teeth straightening. This means we can predict how your teeth will move and how long it will take to get them into alignment. Six Month Smiles uses the latest small clear ceramic brackets, then modernises them by using tooth-coloured wires that make your braces almost unnoticeable.

The average treatment for this option is just 6 months, hence the name of these braces in St John’s Wood. Six Month Smiles work so quickly because, unlike standard braces, they only focus on the front teeth – those that show when you smile.