A hygiene guide for using Invisalign

If you have worn a brace in the past, you will likely remember the drill of keeping them clean.


You would have needed to brush the braces after every meal, use floss and avoid certain foods. This would not only keep the braces clean but would also ensure that your teeth stayed in good condition too.

As an adult, you may be curious about whether the same rules apply when it comes to wearing aligners.

At Aura Dental, we have been working with our patients and invisible aligners like Invisalign St John’s Wood for over 5 years. We know all there is to know about using this aligner and, of course, maintaining good oral health while doing so!

Here, we offer a simplified hygiene guide on how to take care of your teeth and gums while wearing Invisalign St John’s Wood. So, read on and enjoy!

Brush before wearing the aligners

Invisalign St John’s Wood is removable.

It is advised by our team that you remove the aligners before eating or drinking beverages that contain sugar or beverages like tea and coffee.

This does mean that before you put the aligners back in, you will need to brush your teeth. By doing this, you will keep your teeth free from debris and food build-up. Remember, your aligners will be custom-fitted to your teeth, so wearing them without brushing your teeth will result in food being pressed against your teeth and gums. This can increase the likelihood of tooth decay and gum disease. So, invest in a travel-sized toothbrush to take to work, school or university.

Keep the aligners clean

The invisible aligners will also need to be kept clean; this will ensure that they not only stay invisible but also keep your teeth and gums in good condition. Luckily, the aligners are easy to clean; you simply need to rinse them under a cold tap and use a toothbrush to remove any stubborn debris.

Do not rinse them under hot water; this can create an issue with the accurate fitting of the aligner due to warping. Refrain from using mouthwashes too, as these can stain the aligners.


Flossing is essential for good oral health, especially as 40% of each tooth is interdental (or between the teeth).

So, when wearing aligners, be sure to floss when you engage in your daily hygiene routine. You may also want to take floss thread with you to work to floss before you put your aligners back in.

Electric toothbrush

If you use a manual toothbrush and are looking to undertake invisible aligners, then you should consider upgrading to an electric one. This will provide better overall cleaning for your teeth and reduce any complications associated with plaque or bacteria. It will keep your teeth whiter too!

Minimise sugary beverages

You should generally avoid sugary beverages and foods. But when wearing an aligner, eating sugary foods can be more problematic; this is because the aligners block the flow of saliva, which is needed to keep your teeth clean and free from debris. In turn, this can heighten the chances of decay and gum disease. So, for your aligners to do their job and be worn for 22 hours per day, you will need to avoid sugary beverages and foods to keep your teeth in top-notch condition.