Aura Dental: A dentist St John’s Wood is here when you need them!

At Aura Dental, we believe that great dental care is simple: staff should be friendly, up-to-date with the latest training and technology and ready to help you when you need it most. This is why, here at Aura Dental, we have Saturday appointments to fit in with your busy schedule. We have been finalists in the Private Dentistry Awards for several years, and, if that’s not enough, we have been a finalist in the Dentistry Awards too. By choosing our dentist St John’s Wood at Aura Dental, you can feel confident that you will receive outstanding care that focuses on you as an individual. We can also help the whole family to develop good oral hygiene care so that you may prevent any issues with your teeth and gums as much as possible. We genuinely care about your well-being and don’t want to see you going through treatment that could have been avoided!


One of the treatments that is highly popular for those who wish to change the appearance of their teeth is Invisalign. We use an iTero digital scan to get the measurements of your mouth for your aligners to be made bespoke for you. We can also use this to show you an animation of what your teeth will look like after your treatment has been completed, so you will be able to imagine from the outset just how great your smile is going to be. It’s just one of the treatments that patients love!

How does Invisalign work, and what’s it for?

Aligners are an alternative to fixed metal braces, and they address alignment issues such as crossbite, crowded teeth, gapped teeth, or over or underbites. Made of transparent plastic, aligners sit over the teeth just like streamlined gum shields and should be really pleasant to wear once you get used to the initial pressure that the aligners apply to push your teeth into the correct positions. As they are being worn, the aligners should be virtually invisible to other people, giving you the confidence to carry on with life! You could see results in as little as 6 to 18 months. You will be required to change between different aligners every couple of weeks, and we will provide you with enough to last you until your next checkup, normally every 6 weeks.

Any other reasons to love Invisalign?

Patients often tell us that they love the flexibility that wearing Invisalign’s aligners affords them. This is because they can take them out of their mouth for up to a couple of hours each day as directed by our dentist St John’s Wood here at Aura Dental. This should allow you to have them out when you are dining, so you won’t need to worry about avoiding any food that could damage the aligners. Also, you can keep them out while you clean your teeth and floss properly – we know how much you love to do that, after all! By doing so, you will be protecting your teeth and gums from developing any oral health issues. After this, you should also have some time left to keep them out while you do an activity such as dancing the cha, cha, cha, darrrrling! Whatever you decide to do, Invisalign allows you to decide!

We’re ready when you are!

If you would like to find out more about our excellent treatment at a time that’s convenient for you, why not contact us to discuss your treatment options? We can examine your mouth and discuss what would be suitable for your specific needs. We treat the whole family, so why not bring the whole gang and get yourself and your family on the right dental track?!