Invisalign St John’s Wood is about to be revealed!

Have you noticed any of your friends’ smiles changing? We don’t mean smiles that may appear to be awkward or more friendly than usual! We’re talking about how attractive they are (their smiles, of course!). If you know someone who has had misaligned teeth and their teeth suddenly look improved, then they may be undergoing a discreet treatment to address their alignment issues and choosing not to let you in on the secret. If you have misaligned teeth too, it’s time that we reveal all!


At Aura Dental, we have a variety of discreet methods of realigning smiles, including Invisalign St John’s Wood. With Invisalign, you will be provided with aligners that must be worn over the teeth, and as the aligners are made of plastic, only your teeth should be visible. These aligners are like the James Bond of the dental world, and our patients love them!

How do the aligners work?

The aligners can be custom-made for your mouth using iTero technology; this is a digital scan that we use to get the measurements for your aligners to be manufactured in the Invisalign laboratory. Therefore, your aligners should be comfortable to wear, even as they push your teeth to gradually move them into the targeted positions. Treatment can take as little as 6 to 18 months on average. Each week, you will need to change to a new aligner, and we will provide you with sets of aligners to last for six weeks before you will need to have a checkup and receive more sets of aligners.

The benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign St John’s Wood is a great treatment for those who don’t want other people to know that they are wearing anything in their mouth; however, the greatness doesn’t end there! Invisalign St John’s Wood also affords patients convenience as patients can remove their aligners for up to 2 hours a day when eating, cleaning their teeth or doing anything else they fancy doing during that time. Anyone for salsa?!

Aside from this, by aligning your teeth, you can put them into the optimum positions, ensuring that they can be cleaned properly and that any speech difficulties are resolved. Furthermore, chewing problems or jaw pain that may have been experienced as a result of the misalignment may be corrected. You will also be able to know from the outset what your teeth are going to look like as we can show you an animation of the treatment results before you’ve even started. This technology is just one of the ways that we like to stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and treatments to provide high-quality care to our patients at Aura Dental.

Initial consultation

If you would like to find out more about how we can treat you for your specific needs, book a consultation, and we would be pleased to hear what your concerns are. We will examine your mouth carefully and discuss what the treatment options are. We will take the time to answer all the questions you have for us – fire away! We will also ensure that you are happy and confident about the decisions you make when devising your treatment plan. From there, if you decide to go for a treatment like Invisalign, we look forward to revealing your new super smile with you!