Queries about Invisalign answered by our team

Do you want a straighter smile as an adult? Without the hassle of wearing a fitted brace? Well, you’re in luck!


In modern orthodontics, many dental teams can offer their patients invisible or clear aligners to straighten their smiles, and our team at Aura Dental is no exception.

At Aura Dental, we are extremely proud to offer our patients Invisalign St John’s Wood. This invisible aligner can move your teeth with discretion and ease, allowing you to get the straighter smile you have always wanted.

Here, some common questions that patients have about Invisalign St John’s Wood are answered so that you can learn more about this treatment. Enjoy!

Do invisible aligners hurt?

It is an unfortunate truth that there is no such thing as a comfortable orthodontic tool.

After all, they have to move your teeth! But many patients note that when wearing Invisalign St John’s Wood, the discomfort is not as extensive as they initially thought.

This is because invisible aligners use a different system to the fitted orthodontic options. A fitted brace will need to be tightened and adjusted regularly to move the teeth. Invisible aligners have the movements built into each aligner. So, the movement is stored in the shape of the aligner; this makes them more manageable in daily life and reduces the amount of time you will spend with our team.

Are they expensive?

No, they are not.

If you were given a final amount for your treatment to pay in full, then yes, it would be pricey. But our team at Aura Dental can offer patients financing options. This is subject to suitability but will allow you to spread the cost of your invisible aligner treatment into smaller monthly payments. So, you can get the straighter smile you want without the hassle of worrying about budgeting.

What can they treat?

Invisible aligners were originally designed to treat mild or moderate misalignments of the front teeth.

As technologies have advanced, they are now able to treat more complicated cases of dental misalignments. So, if you have concerns that you won’t be suitable for invisible aligners, you should still contact our team for an assessment as they may well be able to alter your smile for the better.

Do you need to wear the aligners all the time?

No, but you will need to wear them for a minimum of 22 hours per day to see the advantages that they can provide.

If you fail to wear them for this period each day, your teeth will likely stop moving or, even worse, they may revert to their former positions; this is known as reversion. So, if you want a straighter smile in a shorter period, keep the aligners in!

How long does the treatment take?

For most people, the treatment with invisible aligners takes between 3 and 6 months to straighten their teeth.

However, your time wearing the aligners may vary based on the severity of the misalignment being treated and, of course, whether you adhere to wearing the aligners as required by our team.

If you would like more advice on how long your treatment with invisible aligners may take, please call our team to set up an appointment.