Top tips to get the most out of your Invisalign treatment

So, you’ve recognised the importance of needing teeth that are in proper alignment and have chosen as your preferred treatment plan Invisalign St John’s Wood. Invisalign St John’s Wood takes the lead in orthodontic appliances as its uniquely designed system succeeds in avoiding challenges patients on orthodontic treatment commonly experience.

Invisalign St John's Wood

Before the arrival of Invisalign St John’s Wood on the dental scene, patients would be restricted by the types of foods they consumed, spend an inordinate length of time fussing over their dental hygiene or worry about what others thought about the fact they were on orthodontic treatment. This is in addition to having to adjust to wearing a foreign appliance in the mouth for months on end.

At Aura Dental, we are well aware of the difficulties patients had to endure when straightening their teeth which is why we are thrilled to offer smart, forward-thinking orthodontic treatment plans to patients, like Invisalign. As remarkable as this teeth-straightening system is, it is still important for patients to be aware of certain guidelines of use when choosing Invisalign to ensure their treatment plan produces optimal results.

Best practice tips when using Invisalign

Commit to wearing aligners for the recommended full 22 hours a day. One of the biggest attractions that Invisalign holds over other types of orthodontic appliances is the fact that these aligners are not permanently affixed to teeth – they can be removed.

While this removable feature is a plus on many fronts (makes eating, drinking and cleaning teeth easier), it is of extreme importance to wear them for the full recommended time of 22 hours each day. Failure to do so puts at great risk the effectiveness of the treatment plan and could possibly delay the entire process.

The aligner interval change schedule should be followed like clockwork. Another great risk to this treatment plan is not following the schedule in changing aligners as directed. Patients choosing this teeth-straightening system should be aware that they would require a greater level of commitment on their part to bring about desirable results. This is because they are required to wear a set of aligners over the course of a predetermined period and not just one set of braces as with traditional methods. Each aligner in the series needs to be worn for just a week or two before needing to be replaced with the next one so keeping to the schedule is paramount to ensure results are achieved on time.

There is always the possibility of discomfort as patients adjust to the teeth-straightening process. This discomfort is of a relatively shorter duration with Invisalign aligners and there are techniques to employ to lessen this discomfort. Generally speaking, patients report that the aligners are more comfortable to wear than alternative options.

Maintaining good oral hygiene is a critical part of the orthodontic process, not only is brushing teeth and flossing as normal a non-negotiable but the aligners need to be cleaned and sterilised carefully too. As aligners are made from intuitive thermoplastic material, it is important not to use chemicals that can damage them. Only recommended cleaning products designed specifically for the aligners should be used as ordinary kinds of toothpaste and mouthwashes can cause harm.

For more info on best practice tips pertinent to Invisalign use or for a professional consultation for orthodontic treatment, please get in touch with us at Aura Dental.