Why you should let a dentist look after your oral health

The oral cavity stands as the point of access to the digestive and respiratory tracts yet few patients really consider the connection between oral health and that of their overall health. This connection is one of the foremost reasons why maintaining optimal oral health should be a topmost priority for patients. This priority is best managed through proactive pro-dental habits like visiting a dentist St John’s Wood for routine professional dental care.


At Aura Dental, our dentist St John’s Wood offers a high standard of patient care backed by a philosophy of patient-centred dentistry. It is this forward-thinking approach that allows for positive patient experiences that is indispensable in helping inspire patients, both young and old, to continue to look after their oral health. Why is oral health so important to achieve and maintain? In this post, we take a look at all those enriching rewards of ensuring one’s teeth and gums are healthy.

The benefits of a dentist St John’s Wood protecting dental health

Just as with other parts of the body, the mouth should also be properly cared for to enjoy the full function of healthy teeth and gums. For as long as you live, you will require your teeth to help your body obtain required nutrition through foods you eat, to talk clearly, to give your face shape and to smile so that you form positive first impressions on others.

It is for all these reasons and more that proper dental care becomes indispensable to live a good quality of life.

Avoid debilitating dental pain and other problems that affect quality of life. The one undesirable event that can easily derail you from daily obligatory tasks like no other is suffering from dental pain and discomfort. When you are in pain, it is exceedingly difficult to eat, talk, work, sleep or play. Not looking after your oral hygiene as recommended by dentists, or avoiding the dental chair altogether, are sure-fire ways, to seeing all sorts of problems develop with teeth and gums –problems that manifest in pain, sensitivity, swelling and discomfort.

Lower the risk of other medical complications. Dental problems do not exist in isolation but are linked to various other chronic medical conditions. Harmful oral microbiome in the mouth can spread throughout the bloodstream and aggravate other medical conditions that affect the heart and lungs: cardiovascular disease, endocarditis, pneumonia and other respiratory infections, osteoporosis and diabetes. Poor oral health has also been linked to some types of cancers, eating disorders, an immune system disorder and arthritis (rheumatoid).

Protecting oral health requires patients to follow a few simple guidelines. At home, brushing and flossing teeth every day using best practice techniques is non-negotiable. Then there is the other non-negotiable which is eating a wholesome diet and making sure you limit the frequent consumption of sugar-rich foods and beverages.

Patients who recognise the absolute necessity of good dental health will make a note of their next dental check-up as attending these appointments is a guaranteed way of knowing that they won’t be caught unawares by poor oral health problems.

Don’t let dental problems get in the way of living your life. Protect the mouth and the rest of your body from bad oral bacteria, schedule your oral health check with our friendly and highly capable dentist at Aura Dental today.