Benefits of Invisalign St John’s Wood

Research has shown that a neatly aligned smile has social, emotional and physical benefits that are important for overall well-being. We are all attracted to a beautiful smile, so here at Aura Dental, we want you to feel proud of your smile when you look in the mirror and happily show it off to the rest of the world. A confident and beautiful smile can have a positive impact on your career, love life and social interactions. On the other hand, being unhappy with your smile can affect your self-confidence and discourage you from smiling openly and freely as you wish, affecting your mental health in the process. A neatly aligned, straight and symmetrical smile is easier to keep clean, so there will be less chance of bacteria building up on the surface of the teeth or in those areas that are hard to reach. This also significantly reduces the chance of issues such as tooth decay and tooth loss.


If you are thinking about straightening your teeth, then speak to us at Aura Dental today and find out about Invisalign St John’s Wood. This is a modern and highly popular form of orthodontic treatment that can be used to address the cosmetic issues of dental misalignment. If you are looking for a convenient method of straightening your teeth that does not draw further attention to your mouth in the process, then Invisalign St John’s Wood could be a suitable treatment option for you. Invisalign is an attractive alternative to traditional metal braces but still works effectively to correct crooked teeth, teeth that protrude at the front and bite disorders. It is more suited to correcting moderate issues as more complicated misalignment may require that you begin with traditional metal braces to adjust the position of your teeth and then continue with Invisalign St John’s Wood to make the minor alignments at the end.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign St John’s Wood works by using clear, thermoplastic aligners that can be taken out of your mouth and placed back in as necessary, making them highly convenient and almost invisible when worn. By taking photographs, x-rays and scans of your teeth our dentist and the Invisalign technicians can work together to create an individually tailored treatment plan for you which you will then approve. You can also find out what your teeth will look like following successful treatment with Invisalign.

Invisalign St John’s Wood works using a series of aligners, and these would be individually manufactured by Invisalign technology in the laboratories and may take up to 4 weeks to complete. Since the aligners are created using modern scanning technology, they are comfortable to wear and also produce highly accurate results. By following the guidelines properly and wearing the aligners for approximately two weeks at a time for 22 hours a day, you will achieve a beautiful healthy smile very soon. The process itself may take 6 to 12 months, but you will need to visit our dentist at regular intervals to find out how the treatment is coming along. Speak to us at Aura Dental today to find out more.