Invisalign St John’s Wood makes a smile worth it!

If you have misaligned teeth and don’t feel like smiling about it, Aura Dental can help. We are proud to be Private Dentistry Award Finalists 2020 who have the skills and expertise to give you a smile worth having. With Invisalign St John’s Wood, we can realign teeth in as little as 6 months using a convenient, discreet and comfortable way.


What is it?

Invisalign is a clear plastic aligner system that allows patients to remove the devices for up to 2 hours a day. When they are worn, the aligners apply pressure to gently move your teeth into the desired positioning over a period of time. You will be provided with 6 weeks’ worth of aligners to change between on a weekly basis, before coming back to us for a check-up and to receive more aligners.

Why Invisalign?

Invisalign St John’s Wood is a leading brand provider of aligners and there are plenty of reasons why. Firstly, the aligners are comfortable to wear because they are made bespoke to fit your mouth using iTero technology, taking a 3D scan of your mouth from which the measurements are derived for your aligners to be made. From this, an animation can also be produced to show you what your teeth will look like after treatment has been completed – it’s definitely a big tick for motivation!

Another benefit of Invisalign is that the aligners are clear plastic and this means that nobody should be able to see them when they are being worn. So whether you’re a teenager or an adult, you don’t have to feel self-conscious about improving your smile. You can simply pop the aligners in and nobody will know. What’s more, when you eat and drink you can remove them, so you can continue eating what you like. No foods are off limits and you don’t need to worry about your aligners breaking, because you won’t be chomping on an apple while wearing them. Plus, plastic is a lot harder to break than delicate wires and brackets.

A further advantage of choosing Invisalign is that you have the control over when you wear the aligners and when you don’t. Aside from eating and drinking, brushing and flossing, you could also remove them when you want to meet a friend, go for a run, climb a tree, or do the salsa around the office – it really is up to you!

Invisalign and beyond

After your Invisalign journey is completed and you have a wonderful realigned smile, you will then be required to wear retainers as directed by your Invisalign St John’s Wood.

To see if the Invisalign journey is for you, simply book in with us for an initial consultation. We will be happy to discuss any of your concerns, examine your mouth fully and advise you on the treatment options available to you. Invisalign is perfect for mild to moderate alignment issues such as crossbite, over or underbite, crowded teeth or gapped teeth.

So, if you want to have a smile that needs to be shown to the world, come and see us at Aura Dental to see how we can help get your smile in line.