Lingual braces; FAQs answered by your dentist

Having misaligned teeth as an adult, or indeed at any stage in life, is rarely fun.


It can lead to smiling less and problems with speech, eating and even maintaining good oral hygiene; crooked teeth are inevitably harder to brush!

If you are looking for a way to straighten your teeth as an adult, you may have considered aligners. While discrete, these can lack the versatility of a metal brace, leaving many patients torn between their options.

What if we told you that you can wear a metal brace without it being visually obvious?

At Aura Dental, our dentist St John’s Wood can offer our suitable patients lingual braces. Affixed to the back of the teeth, you get the strength of metal braces alongside the discretion of an invisible aligner. Great!

But, before you book a consultation with our dentist St John’s Wood, you probably have a few questions about lingual braces. Here, we answer our top FAQs. Enjoy!

What are lingual braces?

Like regular orthodontic braces, lingual braces are fixed orthodontic appliances that are composed of metal archwires and brackets.

When our dentist St John’s Wood fits them, instead of attaching them to the front of your teeth, they will fit them to the back and, instead of being made of metal, the brackets are made of gold! Very posh!

How do they work?

Since they are fixed, they can be used to treat a wide range of orthodontic issues.

Once they are fitted, you will need to see our team every 6-8 weeks to have them adjusted or tightened. If we feel you need a bit of additional help, we will attach rubber bands to the brace to get your teeth into the desired position quicker!

Can anyone wear them?

Yes, lingual braces can be worn by children, teenagers and adults. We will just need to check that your teeth are in good condition and you do not have untreated gum disease or cavities.

Do they take as long as regular braces?

The length of time that you need to wear your lingual braces will depend on the severity of the misalignment being treated. And, as these braces can be used to treat more severe or complex orthodontic issues, we cannot estimate how long your treatment will take without performing an assessment.

But, in short, you may need to wear your lingual braces for as long as you would traditional metal braces, which can be up to 36 months.

Are they uncomfortable?

There is a somewhat validated rumour that wearing fixed metal braces can cause discomfort after tightening or adjustments. But, even in 2021, we still haven’t found a way to move teeth without a bit of pressure; even invisible aligners can cause twinges! As lingual braces are fixed, many patients do report discomfort following a tightening. But this should only last for a few days and should be controllable with over-the-counter pain relievers. If it’s not or you have concerns about the level of discomfort, contact our team.